Undertaking the project

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Most Learning Agreements are implemented by way of a project that meets and an identified need or challenge of the workplace. The method by which projects will be realised will normally be by some form of practitioner Inquiry, of which Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry are the most common. These are also forms of Insider research, in which the researcher is at the heart of the issue being investigated, rather than as an 'objective' outsider.

Practitioner research aims to use a practical, systematic and cyclical approach to define and understand issues within the workplace, to study and reflect deeply on the issue and then to design an action or intervention that is intended to address the issue.

The outcomes of that intervention are then reflected on and where needed, further interventions are designed and implemented until the issue is properly understood and either resolved or steps taken to remediate it.

The Learning Agreement outlines the nature of the inquiry to be undertaken. This is usually in the form of a project or in some cases several contributing projects, that emerges from the challenges and needs of the workplace. In this third phase, the project is undertaken with the support of the Facilitator, Academic Mentor, Professional Practice Mentor and others from within or external to the workplace. Resources, time frames and milestones identified in the Learning Agreement set the framework for the project’s implementation.