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Building Support Systems within a Framework of Good Governance

(from Olabisi)

think the best way for me to do this is to draw on our own experiences here at UWI and my own attempts to re-orient some of those systems.

1. The first issue for me would be relevance given prevailing (shifting) goals - e.g. going online. 2. The second for me will be ensuring that the support is provided at/from a 'space' where students 'perceive' they can access easily given their own (limited) capability to access that support. In my own work, even though proposing the use of online space for student support, I am proposing

    • (1) the use of a parallel software to Moodle - a social networking tool - to be developed and managed by the local site coordinator and staff. My rationale is that even though being online allows for all to access centralised services, there may still be a case for decentralised services, operated by people whom the student knows, and whom the student can also have face to face contact with.
  • 3. Ensuring that the content of the services reflect actual needs - my own study involved a survey of students and interviews with site coordinators.
  • 4. There are the wider issues of organisational structures. What is the nature of the management structure that this site-based coooperation fits into? How does one deal with accountability, quality

assurance etc?

Good Decision-Making (Health & Other Sectors)

Excerpted from World bank press release, January 11, 2008 In India, selected remedial measures already being built into new projects in health and other sectors include:

      • Enhanced transparency, building on India's recent Right to Information Act, to include web publication of all procurement processes, bidding and contract awards;
      • Implementation oversight by project beneficiaries, citizens and civil society, using Community Score Cards and social audits;
      • Tightening oversight and recruitment of NGOs (for example the National AIDS Control Organization has terminated 163 NGO contracts out of 952);
      • Tightening quality control measures to ensure the quality of pharmaceuticals procured, including independent validation of WHO Good Manufacturing Practice certificates and disclosing full results on Government websites;
      • Procurement audits for 100 percent of projects annually;
      • Aggressive tightening of procurement controls to catch collusive bidding, including designing new software detectors; and
      • Aggressive acceleration of complaints processing and action (some examples have already pointed to reductions from nine months to less than two months).

Using the Carver Model& Variations Thereof

    • British Columbia's Guidelines and Framework

The government of BC has modified the Carver model for its crown corporations to clarify the more active role fo the shareholder in modern public sector governance and the increased role of board committees. Here is the link to our resources at Crown Agencies Secretariat.

This site also includes information regarding performance planning and reporting and disclosure requirements for our crown corporations - all based on best practices for board governance.

    • More Frameworks

Another resource for crown corporation (state owned enterprises) governance is the International Network of Government Ownership Agencies website. This is a collaborative network of a large number of countries (many of which are commonwealth countries - developed and developing) that meet once a year or so and share governance practices. The link is as follows:

Another resource are the Organization for Economic Cooperaiton and Development (OECD) guidelines for corporate governance for state owned enterprises. These are considered the gold standard by many countries and their auditors.,3343,en_2649_34847_34046561_1_1_1_1,00.html

Another reference is the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance guidelines for publicly traded companies in Canada: