WikiEducator talk:Users

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Idea is not clear to me.005:57, 18 February 2011
Hi Pradeep Here103:11, 18 February 2011
A Multiple Intelligences Road to an ELT Classroom011:16, 11 November 2010
Dissemination of Information and Professional Development013:04, 30 October 2010

Idea is not clear to me.

In the address link " ", in the last para 'The existing blog started in Silicon Valley but has nationwide'  is not clear to me.

--Scariatc 17:57, 17 February 2011 (UTC)

Scariatc (talk)05:57, 18 February 2011

Hi Pradeep Here

this wiki thing is very new to me. hence why I am doing this course.

Pradeep.jpg So I am currently teaching in Bahrain at the Bahrain Polytechnic. We are 10 hours behind newzealand, so I sleep while you all work not only that but our weekend in firday and saturday, so my weeks actually starts sunday which actually puts me ahead of new zealanders.

Pradeepnathoo (talk)20:10, 10 March 2009

 Hi Pradeep,

I am also like you .I am also new.We can help each other to learn wiki.

--Scariatc 15:11, 17 February 2011 (UTC)

Scariatc (talk)03:11, 18 February 2011

A Multiple Intelligences Road to an ELT Classroom

Until recently tests of intelligence that were used to assess the academic potential of school children were those developed early this century by Binet. However, the traditional definition of intelligence, on which such tests were based, is now regarded as disputable and too narrow. Far from still considering intelligence as a linguistic and logical-mathematical concept, a change of attitude has taken place. This change is based largely on the work of Howard Gardner (1983, 1995), educational psychologist and creator of the theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner’s work emphasises that intelligence, rather than being an innate, fixed entity, is something that may be developed. Gardner’s work has relevance to all forms of teaching, but Michael Berman’s book is the first to apply it to the English language classroom.

Rosycam (talk)11:16, 11 November 2010

Dissemination of Information and Professional Development

We might consider creating a YouTube site for CCOER. The site could be used for videos showcasing best practices and to disseminate information about activities. See the site we've created for our institution:

We might also consider hosting webinars and/or developing online training opportunities.

I'd be happy to work with the program committee to develop and/or host these.


Jmrunyon (talk)13:04, 30 October 2010