Warrington School/Planning 2009

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2009 - Term one - Theme:Landscapes


  • Pupils to develop an understanding of the local landscape and present their thinking through poetry, painting and digital photography.


Room 1

Appreciate that water, air, rocks and soil, and life forms make up our planet and recognise that these are also Earth’s resources.

Investigate the water cycle and its effect on climate, landforms, and life.

1. Develop skills and understandings of planet Earth and beyond.

2. Develop skills and understandings of scientific methods of inquiry, questioning, observation, information gathering, interpretation and reporting.

3. Explore and understand the local and global environment.

Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confidence to identify, form, and express ideas.

Show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences.

Select, form, and communicate ideas on a range of topics.

Use language features appropriately, showing a developing understanding of their effects.

Organise texts, using a range of appropriate structures.

1. Enjoy writing

2. Write for a range of purposes

3. Convey ideas and information clearly, coherently and logically in writing

4. Use conventions of punctuation, grammar and spelling with growing accuracy

Investigate the purpose of objects and images from past and present cultures and identify the contexts in which they were or are made, viewed, and valued.

Developing practical knowledge

Explore some art-making conventions, applying knowledge of elements and selected principles through the use of materials and processes.

Develop and revisit visual ideas, in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination, supported by the study of artists’ works.

Describe the ideas their own and others’ objects and images communicate.

1. Learn about and use a range of art making media and materials.

2. Experiment with paint, crayon, charcoal, chalk, craft, construction, recycling, 3D, print making, clay etc.

3. Gain knowledge of techniques and understanding of colour, line, balance, light and shade etc.

4. Utilise the skills of local artists and artisans.

  • Maths - Maps/Graphs


  • Use linear scales and whole numbers of metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), angle, temperature, and time.
  • Find areas of rectangles and volumes of cuboids by applying multiplication.


  • Classify plane shapes and prisms by their spatial features.
  • Represent objects with drawings and models.

Position and orientation

  • Use a co-ordinate system or the language of direction and distance to specify locations and describe paths.


  • Describe the transformations (reflection, rotation, translation, or enlargement) that have mapped one object onto another.

1. Enjoy and incorporate mathematical processes in everyday life.

2. Develop skills of logical reasoning and problem solving strategies.

3. Communicate and present mathematical ideas, clearly and accurately.

Brian Turner poems, hot weather Australian bush fires - wind/smoke flow"City Talk" - Cinquains, syllables names, outside word hunt,backs sky, NOW, record 3 words, share, eyes closed, close eyes and ears,cinquain, illustrate and share,Bubble Trouble. Maths - maps, view large world, longitude, latitude, Greenwich meridian, variety of maps shared in pairs, what is their purpose, scale etc record and share, streamline, arm length, breathing, Panto Pandemonium,Kits Wilderness,artists from Landscape exhib, Marilynn Webb, cinquain. mapss - maths, creating own map by copying a segment - include scale, contour lines, features and a key. Swimming, breathing. Marilynn Webb inspired sketches. Kits Wilderness.Te Reo - Rua - ko marama koutou, Maui stories.STAR dyes, haiku,maths home finishing, nature,PEO,noodle battle, haiku indian ink dyes, competitive swimmers, surf group, road building, SPG tenders,

Goal-MRS K

  • Pupils to develop an understanding of how people view and use the Antarctic landscape and present their thinking through a pamphlet, mapping and poetry.
  • Geography [1]

Understand how people view and use places differently.

Understand how people remember and record the past in different ways.

1. Know about New Zealand and New Zealanders, history, geography, achievements, our place in the world.

Explain how different groups of people use Antarctica Explain how different groups of people view Antarctica

Conduct a Social Studies Inquiry into how different groups of people view and use Antarctica: 1. Frame questions Frame questions to focus the Inquiry into how different groups of people view and use Antarctica.

2. Gather information Gather information about your groups of people from at least two sources. Look for at least one quotation that shows how that group views the Antarctic, and make notes of examples of how they use the Antarctic.

3. Organise the information Use images, quotes and factual examples to explain ways these groups view and use Antarctica.

4. Make a generalisation Make a general statement about how these groups view and use Antarctica.

5. Communicate Findings Present findings to the class as a pamphlet.

  • Mapping - [2]

Interact with the Geo-Game on the Web providing local information as below and playing the game.

  1. City:
  2. State or Province:
  3. Country:
  4. Longitude: (This must be in degrees & minutes - to the nearest minute.)
  5. Latitude: (This must be in degrees & minutes - to the nearest minute.)
  6. Time Zone: (Use Greenwich Mean Time plus or minus the number of hours e.g. GMT -5.)
  7. Population:
  8. January Weather:
  9. Average High Temperature: (Use January temperatures.)
  10. Average Low Temperature: (Use January temperatures.)
  11. January Clothing:
  12. Land Forms:
  13. Tourist Attractions:
  14. Famous For:

  • English

Presenting information on Inquiry as a pamphlet using verbal and visual features to communicate information and ideas. 1. Locate, select and interpret visual information from a wide range e.g. videos, pictures, charts etc

2. Read, analyse, understand and critically think about messages and purposes of information presented

3. Develop skills of effectively arranging, presenting and displaying visual and written information in a variety of formats

Poetry on Antarctica using free verse.[3] See objectives above.

Room 3

Junior Room At the end of last year, the junior room observed the life cycle of the frog with great interest. We are beginning the year looking at the beautiful "Monarch Butterfly."

Term 1

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Several swan plants will be set up in the classroom for children to observe and record changes this term.


Goal Develop an open and enquiring mind towards scientific ideas and natural phenomena and the skills and understanding of scientific methods of enquiry, questioning, observation, information gathering, interpretation and reporting.

Making Sense of the Living World - Observe and identify parts of common plants and animals

Learning Outcomes:

  • Observe caterpillars, record growth rate and changes

Daily/weekly digital photos will be taken by the children to record and chart the changes in the life cycle as it happens.

  • Purchase swan plants. Leave the swan plants outside to attract the butterfly and bring indoors when eggs have been laid. Set the plants up in a warm sunny spot.
  • Gather up books about butterflies and encourage children to visit the library.
  • Use magnifying glasses to look at caterpillars and butterflies.
  • Hairy caterpillars. Fill a length of old pantyhose with cotton wool and add seeds. Make shape of a caterpillar. Water to assist germination.
  • Make caterpillars by cutting eff cartons lengthwise. Fill with cotton wool and grow seeds, e.g. waater cress.

Visual Art

Children will explore and use skills, techniques and processes through a variety of media.

  • Draw a caterpillar and show an understanding of form, size and colour.

1. Students will make a plan of their drawing using pencil and paper. 2. Place the transparency sheet on top of the drawing and trace over it using a black permanent marker pen. 3. Turn the sheet over and colour in with coloured markers - this prevents the colours smudging with the black pen. 4. Cut out shapes. As the paper is clear there is no need to cut exactly around the shape. 5. Use a push pin to make a small hole in the top of the shape and attach to the branch with nylon thread. 6. Make another hole at the bottom of the shape and attach puplished writing - facts/labelled diagram about the "Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly."


Viewing Static Photographs

Students should: Respond to meaning and ideas

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the shape of a photo/picture - square, rectangle
  • Discuss the camera angle - looking up, down, eye level
  • Make a response to a photo

Children will all learn how to take and print digital photos - inspired by the "Swan plants"


Numeracy will be the main focus during term One. However, to link some fun activities related to mathematics into our butterfly theme, I have panned to do the following:

  • Seriation - small to large. Seriation of numbers.
  • Counting activity sheet.
  • Concepts about middle, patterns, groups.
  • Help children to recognise patterns, e.g. one child standing, one child sitting, and one child standing... etc., then invite the next child to add to the pattern. Other patterns could include:

boy, girl, boy, girl ... etc. koohine, poai, koohine, poai ... etc.


Children will use simple poetic formats

1. Same-Start Poem

Same-start poems start with the same word or group of words.

2. Association Poem

Association poems start with a word or a thought. This leads on to another and another - often back to where you begin

3. Acrostic Poem

An acrostic poem uses the letters in a word to begin each line of the poem Extension Activities for Children

Suggest to children to use the Internet for further information. http://www.butterflywebsite.com

Physical Education

  • Develop ability to take responsibility for own health needs ( e.g: diet and exercise)

Movement Concepts and Motor Skills.

  • Small Ball skills.
  • Swimming.

Personal Health and Physical development.

  • During week three of this term, the "Munch and Scrunch" theatre group will be visiting to talk about healthy eating. A follow up activity for this will be: children will make there own healthy sandwiches for lunch.

Term 2 - Junior Room'

This Term the Junior Children will be looking at Light and Sound

Week 2 - 4


Description: Students will have the opportunity to explore how rainbows form through an exploration of prisms

Goal: Science - Physical World: Light can be refracted by a lens

1. Prisms and raindrops can separate and "bend" white light into the colours of the rainbow.

2. The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.


  • Prisms
  • Crayons or markers
  • Pencils
  • 2 cups
  • Coloured chalk
  • Water


Have you ever seen a rainbow? What does a rainbow look like? How are rainbows formed? What colours are in the rainbow? - Record children's preconceived ideas. Have children draw a rainbow and where they think rainbows comes from on a piece of paper.

When light that is traveling through the air strikes a different medium such as water or glass, it suddenly changes directions and "bends". Raindrops and prisms separate white light in the colours of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Provide children with prisms. Tell them that a prism is just like a raindrop. Discuss with children what they might see when they look through a prism at white light. Record their ideas. What colours did they see? What order were the colours in? Tell the students that ordinary sunlight is call white light. Explain that raindrops and prisms light separate white light into the colours of the rainbow. Discuss how light bends when it goes through different materials.

Draw a rainbow on the board.





Students will explore and respond to the musical elements of beat, rhythm, pitch, temp, dynamics and tone colour.


Play the beat using body percussion

Reading and writing simple rhythmic patterns using simple conventional notations.



Develop a wide range of movement skills

Participate in a wide range of physical activities and identify the factors that make the experience personal enjoyment.


Individually demonstrate bouncing and catching skills consistently.

Demonstrate a range of ball skills in a game situation.


Numeracy will be the focus for this term.



  • Children are placed into reading groups based on ability.
  • Guided Reading is done on Monday - Friday at 11.00 am.
  • Lower, at-risk groups will be provided with additional support on a daily basis.
  • Guided Reading helps students develope:

A positive attitude for reading Appropriate strategies to gain meaning from texts Close reading skills to enable them to respond to the language and ideas in the text. Skills to explore language. Skills o think critically. Skills to access information and use it effectively.

SHARED READING Shared reading takes place on a daily basis throughout the week, after morning teatime. DAY ONE: Day one sees the initial sharing of a new story. (Using a large book if possible.) Thus this is done with the children gathered together on the teaching space. The teacher will "tune" the children into the story by referring to the title, characters and illustrations and asking the children what they think the story might be about. Read the story, asking predictive questions, without interfering with the flow and the enjoyment of the text. DAY TWO: Read the story again, focusing on enriching vocabulary. Encourage the children to hoin in on the repetitive parts of the text if they wish. DAY THREE: Encourage the children to now join in with the reading of the text. Focus on some conventions of print that affect the way we read. Introduce or reinforce other targets that are at the children's developmental level. NOTE: Each shared book will reinforce many conventions of print and may introduce something new. DAY FOUR: Read the story together and continue to focus on print conventions. DAY FIVE: Respond to the story in some way. Each shared book will lend itself to a different response. The following are some examples of responses that can be made to a shared book. Innovations on the text. Dramatisation of the story. Response in writing (expressive, imaginative or transactional.) The making of visual response.

SPELLING Year 2 children will be given a list of up to 5 words prepared by the teacher from the essential list 1 and 2. Spelling words are glued into each child's homework book. On Friday morning, teacher will check children's spelling words. If children get any words incorrect they will learn those words over the next few days doing a reinforcement activity during reading. Teacher will keep record of child's progress.