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  • A variety of resources that can be used to communicate information, a concept or knowledge.
  • This can include people, things or computer based elements such as text, images, animation, sound and video.

Computer based multimedia

  • The use of a computer
    • to present and combine text, graphics, sound, animation and video
    • in an electronic publication
  • with links and tools
    • that let the user navigate, interact, create and communicate. (Hofsetter, F. T., (2001) Multimedia Literacy.)

Interactive Computer based multimedia

  • The additional features of providing user interaction.
  • Examples include
    • Forms that allow user data to be entered
    • Searching features
    • On-line testing
    • Applets such as calculators
    • Interactive eBooks
    • Games
    • Interactive Multimedia
2011 April Fools Math Class

YouTube: 2011 April Fools Math Class
2011 April Fools Math Class (Takes a lot of preparation and practice)

Virtual Reality Multimedia

2006 Introduction to Second Life (historical view)

YouTube: 2006 Introduction to Second Life (historical view)
A video explaining many of the features available in Second Life (a historical view)

How to get started in Second life 2013

YouTube: How to get started in Second life 2013
A quick video on setting up Second Life

Mixed/Augmented reality multimedia

  • Various sensors capture contextual information and make the environments smart.
  • For example, location sensors attached to objects or persons identify and record the location of the object or person, and sound recorders analyze the mood of a person.
  • E.g. Google goggles, XBox connect, Sony Playstation - Move
2006 Demo video of the Human Pacman project

YouTube: 2006 Demo video of the Human Pacman project
A video from 2006 of the Human Pacman project from the Mixed Reality Lab at the National University of Singapore

Connected Media

  • Connected media does not contain interaction; instead content items are nodes in a network of connections that are the focus of interaction. The content is inside-out. The hot content today is not interactive - Flickr/Photobucket, YouTube, iTunes, RSS feeds all feature non-interactive, yet highly connected via layers of interlinked metadata (, technorati, recommendations, hyperlinks, comments...)
  • Google maps is used extensively by motel/hotel web pages.(e.g. )
  • "the nature of content itself is changing. HyperCard, Flash, and the like are indeed tools of interactive media. However, interactive multimedia is no longer in fashion (who needs a "next page" button in a piece of content when we have ubiquitous hypertext? Why embed the movie in Flash when I can just link to YouTube?)"
  • Scott Wilson in JISC CETIS EC SIG (2007-02-26) citing "inspired by Derrick de Kerckhove's book 'Connected Intelligence'".

Social multimedia Computing (MIC)

  • Multimedia resources and applications designed to be disseminated through social interaction or be used to capture social activity and interaction. Tian, Srivastava, Huang, and Contractor (2010)[1] characterise MIC by three forms of interaction:
    • Content interaction between multimedia: E.g. Flickr image and tags (not necessarily created at the same time)
    • Social interaction around multimedia. For example, Tagged images, video blogs.
    • Social interaction captured in multimedia. For example, video surveillance.
  • Vialogues (Video + Dialogue)
    • Online video with group discussion feature time stamped to the video
    • Example: A Dialogue on Vialogues Note the time line on the right of the page and the discussion. Also the second comment displays a question/response comment

Multimedia for different users

  • Computer gamers
    • nVidia graphics accelerator card, Pentium IV, Sidewinder force feed joystick
  • Internet surfers
    • Real audio and MPEG players
  • Teachers & Students
    • CD based maps, videos and encyclopedias
  • Home users
    • Digital cameras, scanners and colour printers
  • Graphics designers and artists
    • Photo-quality printers and high resolution digital cameras.

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