VUSSC/Singapore BC

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small nations - big project

Working together on free content

An initiative of the Virtual University
for Small States of the Commonwealth

The Workshop

Training Educators to Design and Develop ODL Materials

Notes for Home-based Participants

If you would like to send us a message you can use this page's discussion page.

You can follow what is going on here in Singapore by reading the Daily summaries below.

The main Push on content development will be taking place through the Training Educators to Design and Develop ODL Materials page and its sub pages. Please feel free to sugest improvements or voice your opinion in the talk pages or help us out by improving/correcting the work placed there.

This page: Home-based help required can be used by boot campers to post any theme/area they would like their home-based colleagues to help with. And as a place where to receive responses.

Remember, there is always the Wikieducator Google Group and the chat channel where we can talk about WikiEducator issues. There is also a Majordomo list at <> for us 2nd boot campers to hang out at.

Daily Summaries

Brainstorm Activity for Course Plan

Pre-Bootcamp Activity