User talk:Zobeidaramirez

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Encantado conocerte113:06, 15 April 2010
Welcome!108:19, 18 June 2009

Encantado conocerte

La página tuya fue una gran fuente de inspiración para mí cuando estuve trabajando en la creación de mi página. Se ve que tú tienes gran conocimiento de como manejar las páginas Wiki. Tus conocimientos van a ser un tesoro para la gente que van a tener la posibilidad de trabajar contigo! Salud y éxitos!

Teromakotero (talk)02:30, 18 February 2010

Excusa que no habìa respondido antes, pues no habìa visto el mensaje Muchas gracias por visitar mi pàgina y por expresar lo inspiradora que fue para tì Serà un placer para mì colaborar contigo tambièn --Zobeida Ramirez 01:06, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

Zobeidaramirez (talk)13:06, 15 April 2010

Hi, I am happy to welcome you to WikiEducator. Atbannett 20:13, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

Welcome to WikiEducator. It's great to have you on board! There are currently 80,796 users on WikiEducator and you've just made that one more!

I'm a WikiNeighbour and I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our community. We'd like to get to know you a little better, so when you get a chance - please take the time to tell us a little about yourself by filling out your user page.


Chat to you soon.

Help on getting started with Wiki editing

There are a couple of resources on WikiEducator to help you get started. You obviously have an account already and may need a little help with the basics of wiki editing.

If you're like me and only read the instructions when you have a problem :-) - there is a quick start set of guidelines which should get you going.

If you have any questions please feel free to join our discussion list on Google groups which is a good place to get help from the community, or drop me a note on my talk page below.

Atbannett 20:13, 17 June 2009 (UTC)
Atbannett (talk)08:13, 18 June 2009

Thanks for your warm welcome I am already working on my user page Regards,

Zobeidaramirez (talk)08:19, 18 June 2009