User talk:Yvisser

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Day 8 assignment: Comment on your page000:54, 10 August 2009

Day 8 assignment: Comment on your page

Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 00:54, 10 August 2009

Hi UC,

I presume you are still in St. Augustine, considering that I haven't seen any changes to your user page of late. I checked out many of the other user pages and found that quite a few are still mostly empty. So, compared to the average, and despite the limited time you had, I think you have done a commendable job. I particularly like your 'Background' section.

As soon as you are back in , try to work further on this. I personally find the workshop very useful and like the idea of contributing to the WikiEducator effort.

Take care,


Jvisser.ldi (talk)08:11, 6 August 2009