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I'm an student at De Anza College, and taking CIS2 class, bilingual, I love to help others, and my family is very important to me, oh and I have two four legged kids.

Summary Of The Course.

CIS2 Group B Project

Group B


Under module 1 of the first week of class my selection under Selected Media-Society

20 rules of citizenship,

The main reason on selecting this resource is because respecting the opinion of others is important. Keeping in mind that behind the screen is a human, and we should treat others the way we want to be treated.

Equally important, avoid the use of inappropriate words, do not respond to any of those, be always polite. Remember that we are human beings and we think differently, but does not mean that we have to be disrespectful to others.

Under the same module under Lerning Literacies - Find it:

The British Library

Why did I pick the following topic?

Mainly because I love history, and finding out that the it was a treasure chest that contains pictures of 250 plus years of history available to all, and even better free of Copyright.

Why did I like it so much?

I'm a big fanatic of kids movies, and knowing that treasure chest had illustrations of children's books, I was so happy, to bad that I didn't have a picture of myself for all to see. My eyes couldn't believe what I was looking at, it brought great childhood memories.

When it comes to computer and geeks you want to find a good article that can be funny and at the same time you get to learn something from it that you didn't know, for that reason I selected under Computer Geek's History:

Who is John Draper AKA Captain Crunch BEST Source:

Draper learned to make free phone calls by imitating the tones used by phone companies, later on he worked with Steve Wozniak as a contractor, prior to that they had an small business on the Berklely campus.

Did you know that Draper was a part time student at De Anza College, and that also worked as engineer and disc jockey in a local radio station in Cupertino. Surprisingly my classmate David Stumpf made a comment saying: "My brother still has a 2600 Hz Cap'n Crunch whistle." It was even more fascinating to know about that.

Best Sources I ask a lot of questions, and many of the times I have the answer, all three topics helped my to understand different concepts, and at the same time I was able to learn more from the past, and ethic aspects when we are using a computer to socialize.

Privacy and Freedom of Speech.

Under module 2 of the first week of class my selection under Learning Literacies - Protect it:

How to keep your android device safe.

This is an important article for explaining how to keep devices safe. It is pretty helpful, and gives you tips on how to protect the information on your phone and tells you how to do it.

Since I'm not to familiar with android devices, a question came to my mind. Can you protect your iPhones?

The answer is: Yes, I also have some sources to protect an iPhone.

The main recommendations are: to create a pass code, change Apple ID passwords, reviewing Find my IPhone via ICloud, setting content and restrictions.

Now days, privacy and personal information are two topics that can arise so many questions, for that reason my selection under Privacy and Personal Information:

Siri, voice command.

Keeping in mind that many of us we use voice-command on our devices. I was curious about Siri, and how private are our searches when we use it. After reading the article never thought about how private our searchers are.

For that reason, I decided to look for an answer. According the the article searches Siri queries may be stored anonymously by Apple for just a few months. Or they may not. In reality “Siri is collecting a lot of data for Apple and for its business.”

When it comes to socialize, many people use blogs. MY selection under Blogs of Interest:

Gizmodo BEST Source:

Has all you need to know, from politics, cars, art, phones you name it they have it, one of the trends on the main page as today is How Jill thinks that w-if I might be hurting kids She argues that kids can have, health issues, social issues because staring at screens is not good and it's better interaction therefore is not good in many ways because it is not good for social development.

Best Sources I live in a country of laws, and it is important to me to know about it, and to learn how to protect my privacy.

Intellectual Property.

We all have different approaches to our day to day learning, my selection under Lerning Literacies - Use it

How Media Literacy Helps Us to Understand Our World?

We all have different ways to learn. For example, I need to see it, read it, and then hands on, for some others is easier and media has changed that. This literally has transformed the face and pace of education. In addition, TedTalk, Khan Academy, and YouTube are now becoming the storehouses of lessons presentation and lectures.

Art can come in different shapes and forms, my selection under Art and Computers

How much has Internet changed the art world. (by Thien Pham)

An easy interpretation of art could be Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Art can be associated with computers as well. My personal opinion is that computers help the artist to promote his/her art, sell, look for venues, and get possible buyers, better yet, it also allow us to enjoy beautiful masterpieces.

When it comes to create an art piece, should it be something created with your hands, like a fresco, using paint, your hands, brushes. Also art can be created with computers, it is called digital art or graphic art. which commonly refers to those forms of visual expression that depend for their effect on line and tone. To conclude, all types of art are great, no matter how is made, or created, the difficult part is to learn how to appreciate such talent, and to be able to understand the message.

Words can tell so much, my selection under Intellectual Property keyword

Intellectual Philanthropy

Why Intellectual Philanthropy is Important. BEST Source:

What is it? I did not know. Why is important? I think I have an idea, not so sure. Then after searching, and searching for my answer, I came across with the right article, which explains it all in a very simple way.

The feedback I received from my classmates, made me realize that I picked the right one. Mainly because most of times I doubt myself to much.

Best Sources We live in a society that that lives to fast and technology has became a big component, and important at some point to our daily lives


Certainly a broad topic, my selection under Computer and Crimes

Very intriguing right! Why did I pick the following article presented by one of my classmates, Mike Lopez:

Ethical dilemmas

According to his post, Mike says: First, in order to commit many of the computer crimes, it requires some form of intelligence to manipulate and gain access to a computer system. Further more, such crimes are punishable by federal and state laws, in some cases both. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, explains in great detail about punishments, and damages.

We all use passwords, either for your email, bank, social media, and the accounts that require to enter your, for that same reason I considered important to share an important topic under Hacked - Now what

Selecting strong password.

One of the biggest mistakes we can possible make is to sedan easypassword, in that includes, our birthday, our pet name, something pretty simple. The main reason is because it is "easy to remember That's a big mistake. Selecting an strong password will make it hard on someone to get into you personal stuff.

Week 4 already!! Reading through some articles I picked the following topic under Lerning Literacies- Solve it

What is Flow? BEST Source:

What is it? I did not know exactly. That's what attracted me, the title. The article explains what would you feel when you experience flow, and that is not necessary for you to experience all the "symptoms" (that's how I called them) of flow. Knowing that some of my classmates have experienced "Flow" made me think about how we all have the chance to achieve somethings, we just need some confidence.

Best Sources As an student of the paralegal studies at De Anza, Law, and crime are my favorite topics, I like to look for statues, cases, anything that can help me to apply facts to any case.

Employment, Education and Entertainment.

Education is important in many aspects of our lives, whether is to succeed in any career, to provide better future to our families. For that reason I considered important to talk about the my topic selection under Open Textbooks

Open Stax

Certainly a great source to pick textbooks, I did not know about this site, until my coworker told me about it, then felt it was important to let others now about it. Big names fund and support the site, just to name few, Supported by Rice University, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It has many textbooks like algebra, U.S history, economics, psychology, sociology, astronomy, chemistry and much more.

Education now days has helped many people with disabilities Certainly technology is and will continue helping people with learning disabilities and equality important for them to have the right to learn. I felt important to select the following topic under Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology for kids with Learning Disabilities

Having the chance to be part of 2 different school systems, and to live in two different countries. I'm so thankful for laws and statutes passed by Congress for what is provided to everyone that has a disability. Also to know that existence of many tools. Equally important to know that all is possible thanks to Assistive Technology Act passed by Congress in 1998.

Games can be part of the learning process. How? I asked myself the same question. I selected the following topic under Games in Education

Life is strange BEST Source:

At first, I couldn't relate the title with education, After looking through the game's site, noticed that it had a link in which teenagers can find some sources when they get into difficult moments and they feel the need to talk to someone else rather than talking to their parents. The information is presented in many different languages, and it has a several phone numbers that provide assistance.

Best Sources Education to me is so important, and even more because in order for me to be able to take college classes I had to wait until I had the sources, and I wish that some schools/colleges could use open textbooks, that will help so much.

Midterm Grand Challenges.

Never though about what challenges a nation can go through. During this module, I learned so much, my selection under The Grand Challenges

Prevent Nuclear Terror.

Certainly nuclear terrorism has been a concern from decades. I just knew about it, learning so many things and been able to share my findings was a great experience, as well as how my classmates got involved, and learning even more from them. The big words I did not know about are: plutonium, and uranium., warhead. Finding out that nine nations have nuclear arsenals

Better yet, knowing about removal of plutonium, The Nuclear car wash. Surprisingly, I was the only one that selected such topic, but I learned so much more from my classmates whom made so contributions to the topic and I learned more about it. While one of the comments mentioned that …. “The cost to secure the world's supply of fissile material would be a lot. On top of that cost would be the maintenance and protection of the world's supply from people who want it to do harm. Who should keep all the fissile material? Our best interest isn't the same as Europe's, Asia's and Africa's. Taking all that material and shooting it into space would seem to be best course of action according to Tom Naiper, a retired physicist/engineer” … by Sam Britz classmate

Can our brain be reversed? Sounds complicated, right! I wanted to know more about the topic under The Grand Chalenges""

Reverse-Engineer the Brain

Another interesting topic, it was amazing to know about such topic I made a comment on that specifc topic. Searching for a good source I found an interview to Gary Marcus, he calls the brain a computer, and he states " I think our brains aren't just like computer. I think our brains are a computer.

The questions is what kind of computer is it?" Which I never even think about that, he explains with examples similarities between the brain and computers. It was amazing to know more about it, and how technology can change the course of our lives in many ways, but at the same time can be frightening to know that it might be possible that computer can substitute humans in many ways, from doing simple tasks to perform surgeries.

Allowing people in remote places the access to clean water, sounds complicated and it might take time, but is not impossible, my selection under The Grand Challenges"

Provide Access to Clean Water BEST Source:

Water is an important component of human body and also things a that we need to survive, and having access to clean water, it is very important for all, but also several countries do not have access to water, and if there is a possible way to get water funding a system it is something that can't be affordable. I was amazed when I found the article called 5 innovative ways people in developing worlds purify water, never has a clue that such creative things existed, not just that but do not cost much.

Since we are going trough a severe drought in California, I do believe that if we don't minimize the reasonable use of water, we might not be able to leave nothing for future generations, we need to create more awareness about it, and how important is to minimize the use of water by doing few things we can help tremendously like, not using dishwasher because circles are to long and uses to much water, washing dishes like the old days will be a way to save water, let's not let water running while we are taking a shower, or when you brush your teeth, water the lawns after the sunset that way plants will benefit more from the water, watch for any leeks, or broken sprinkles.

Best Source Grand challenges helped me to understand so many things, so i considered important to share with all some of what I felt it was important.

Evaluating and Controlling Technology.

Under this module I felt important to share a topic under Evaluating and Controling Technology

Evaluating New Technology

Such evaluation can be during the process of knowing what you bought It is also important to consider, benefits, its cost, risk, how easy or difficult is to use it, and if you need extra items to enhance its performance.

The human brain is so powerful and can process visual data better than data presented in text. My topic of choice under Lerning Literacies - Share it

Captivating data visualization examples.

Interactive data visualization is the "new thing" allows people to use mobile devices and computers to see how that data is processed, quick and easier. Also shows fun ways to get it done, easy to understand with clickable things to get a broad information on the subject.

I have been able to learn so much through the course and one more topic under Internet of Things

simple explanation BEST Source:

I did not know what exactly was IoT, and I came I cross with IoT to the topic. IoT certainly makes everything easy, not just all your devices are connected but people as well. Technology is great, but would IoT will make us less sociable? I feel like to a certain degree it does, human assistance might not be necessary any more, which is an import component to socialize, interact with others can help to bust senses, to forget about stress and probably happier.

Best Sources It is possible that out there is someone that needs help understand so much the same way I was,

Risks, Failures, and Responsibilities.

Risk can lead us to great inventions, and if we don't risk we will never be able to find out if such thing could haven been possible. I considered important to share the following topic under Medicine and Computers

Homer Warner BEST Source:

Computers and medicine, sounds like good combination, and Homer Warner made it possible. He introduced The era of cognitive Systems, describes the importance of the IBM system Watson, a system capable to analyze unstructured information, understand complex questions, and present solutions. Such system plays a very important role in the oncology field. The demand for oncology services by 2025 will grow up to 48%, while graduates oncology will be only 28%, which will represent a substantial shortage.

The system would help oncologists identify individualized evidence-based treatment options. It analyzes a patient’s medical information against a vast array of data, which will also establishes treatment guidelines, and published research to provide individualized, ranked, evidence based treatment options at the point of care.

The first 5 years of a child's life are important because during this stage the child develop important parts of the brain. I selected the following topic under Learn to Code

Khan Academy

One of the major sources to learn many subjects is Khan Academy, which is known for its math games, it also offers JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL. It has basics to build pages, animations, graphics, interactive visualization and more, it also has a link if you need help with code, you can also browse other projects.

In my opinion, it not just focuses on kids but any one that wants to learn, easy to understand. Teaching kids how to code at young age might be necessary, specially in the area where we live Silicon Valley. However, I don't think that every kid should have to learn code, as a way to try it, and see if it is something that the kid might like, yes, it is great!!, but maybe some kids might want to be doctors, teachers, lawyers, musicians, astronauts, writers, veterinarians, and by only focusing on one particular "career" kids are getting only one choice.

At times can be hard to select the right topic, and that was exactly what happened to me. I decided because I felt that these three words go together, under Risks, Failures and Responsibilities keywords


With responsibility we must start with being accountable for what we do, or say because is it how we build our character and we develop skills, and we shouldn't blame others for our actions or mistakes.


It is some kind of lesson for making bad choices, and we always have to pick the right choice , the one without consequences.


I see failure as a harsh way to learn, something that can lead you to extraordinary changes, not just personally but can also be an example to others that not always things happen the way we want them to happen, and that giving up, kills motivation, and that shouldn't never happen.

Best Sources My own experience has lead me to find what I'm capable of, if we do not risk, we will never find out if we can make the difference.

Anytime, Anywhere.

Usually a man talks about sports, cars, and know that Filomeno Solares, choose a theme, which would usually a woman will choose, for that reason I selected under Social Innovation

Reshma Saujani Teaching girls how to be brave not Perfect

The speaker says that the world should be teaching our girls to be courageous and not perfect. it also says how in studies girls, instead of showing progress, would choose to show nothing at all for fear of being wrong. Filomeno's final comment: It was a great speech and opened my eyes and desires I want for my daughters.

To complement his selection, I would like to share. How to raise brave girls, The author says: "if any of you have “daughter, there’s nothing more important you can do to enable her to thrive in life than helping her grow into the bravest version of the woman she has it in her to be.” In addition, encouraging her to dream big, embolden to daughter to take risks because women are less confident, teach her to speak bravely even if someone calls her bossy, always remind her that she is loved and worthy not matter what, also important is to help her to define herself beyond beauty and brands, and modeling the brave you hope to inspire.

During module 9 we had the chance to talk about Smartphones the article was provided by our my classmate Latoya Brown, she explained the following:

How To Make A Real Difference.

Using Only Your Smartphone offers suggestions for several mobile applications that promote volunteerism and philanthropy. Examples include Volunteer Match and several iTunes applications. These applications offer services such as mapping out good deeds globally, connecting volunteers to agencies needing volunteers, video broadcasts of current volunteer project and a musical application that allows you to create a Salvation Army song.”

Volunteering is not just for people of certain ages, teenagers can also be part of it. The following article presents different places more suitable for teens, like animal shelters, Habitat for Humanities, Red Cross, State Parks, Special Olympics, Hospitals, Libraries, Helping some one to Read, and many more.

Another great discussion, in my opinion under Virtual Lectures

How trees talk to each other! BEST Source:

I remember when I was a kid, one of my questions was: Can trees talk to each other? specially on a rainy day, or after the rain, if they do it, they do it when no one is around. I never imagine that one day I will have an answer.

Suzanne Smirad, explained that within the forest are mother trees that care and protect tiny, at the same time, mother trees can transfer its gens through Co2, and that mother trees can "elbow their roots" to give more room for the trees to grow bigger. When a mother tree dies, the tree is capable to transfers wisdom to other trees and to tell others about their final days. Nature is amazing!

Watching the video made me smile and even going back to my childhood. Then I wonder how to listen to trees communicate? How can I do that? Searching for a possible answer, I found an article that describes it all.

Finding a suitable place with more than 3 trees can be perfect, the more branches the better Expect to spend a decent amount of time during this exercise because trees are noble and peaceful, trees let things be as they are, you need to looking for the silence, you will soon find the filling in the gaps between bird song and the industrious animals and insect, it I important to experiment the sounds beneath the tree, repeating the exercise over and over again, involve your senses.

Best Sources With so little we can make so much, a word can change how some one sees things, and it is ok. to be curious, and dream about stuff.

Technology Advances, Social Trends.

Making difference in someone's life has no price. My favorite topic was Presented by classmate Sam Britz under Tech Awards with major Impact

DayOne Waterbag

Water is one of the most important substances in the earth, we all need water to survive. Sam mentions that would make the most significant impact for the greatest number of people. According to their website 3.4 million people die each year from water related disease.

There is also about 780 million people who don’t even have access to improved water source and about 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The price for the DayOne Waterbag is $79.99, and you can make the difference by sponsoring OneDay Waterbab for $79.99.

Getting answers about our health in a short period of time can help us to relive stress. The topic I selected under Future of Computers

The Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE

Just a single drop of blood you can get tested with such accuracy within just minutes can tell if you have, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate or allergies,and can also analyze your DNA for genetic risks. The best part of all of this is that the device could be used by you or any of your family members anywhere, anytime. Thanks to highly sensitive electronic sensors and powerful AI. According to the article, once AI reaches the same level of intelligence as the human brain it can be able to do majority of humans jobs, build roads and houses, and even possible that the best surgeons will be robots.

Can you picture a world in which kids cab be able to play without a fair? I considered important to share the following topic under What's new and Important

The Mine Kafon Drone BEST Source:

The main idea under this projects is to eliminate land mines in 10 years in countries like, Colombia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Angola, and Bosnia. The mind behind the project is Massaud Hassan, who lived in Kabul, in a town called Qasaba in Afghanistan, he and his brother experienced the horrors of land mines, such experiences lead them to look for a solution that could be safe, and smart at the same time to detect and clear land mines.

The project does not have funding from any government, however they are seeking for public contributions, to help them fulfill their dreams.

I think and feel that such inventions that help humankind should be priority, and funded by government agencies, or sponsored by big corporations.

Best sources A simple risk, an idea, the love for something can help millions. You just need to believe in yourself because you are the only can say who you want to be, the one that can say no to your dreams.