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Annotated Bibliography

Seeman,Howard.(2010)Preventing Disruptive Behavior in Colleges. United kingdom. Rowman Littlefield.
Discipline problems are consider the more challenge full for teachers, especially when working with big groups and the attention for each student is limited, the author of this books mentions several studies about this disruptive behavior as one of the principal reasons why teachers of all over the world are stress and don’t know how to manage these special behavior, also the author mentions that this is the third edition of one same book, the reason why she still writing about this topic is because the disruptive behavior inside school is growing very fast and each time is more difficult to manage and even dangerous for students.

Todras, Pia.(2007) Teachers' perspectives of disruptive behavior in the classroom. Ann Arbor, MI. UMI Microform.
Disruptive behavior is a challenge almost for all education teachers, ultimately is has been described as a major problems that keeps growing and that every day is being more difficult to manage not only for teacher but also for the children’s parents, the author mentions in this book that this problem is affecting more public schools than privet schools. There are different types of disruptive behavior and the author gives some tips that can help teacher in order to focus the attention of the teacher on the learning rather than figuring out how to control a disruptive kid.

Herbert, Martin. Wokkey, Jenny.(2004) Managing children's disruptive behaviour: a guide for practitioners working with parents or foster parents. England. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Disruptive behaviors are not only presented at school, this is a problem that comes from the children’s home, in most of the cases the child with this condition has presented this behavior since he or she was in his/her early age, but sometimes it is misunderstood as something usual in all kids. These two authors gives examples of disruptive behavior and since which age you can detect it, how parents can start helping their children from home, what to do, what not to do and how to motivate their children. If parents and teacher work together this problem wouldn’t be growing that’s easy and it wouldn’t be a job dedicated for the teacher.

Cipani, Ennio.(1993) Disruptive behavior:three techniques to use in your classroom. United States. Council Exceptional Children.
Judging children with a disruptive behavior is easy, as a teacher is also important to know the reason of this behavior and understand why this is happening, and to be prepare with the tools and techniques to deal with these children, once the teacher is aware of what is a disruptive behavior it is also important to know that there are different types and different levels. The author of this book provides 3 different techniques that were applied, that had been developed and validated in the behavioral management. The techniques consists mainly on ignoring the disruptive behavior and praising the appropriate behavior, giving the child an agreement of his obligations and the last technique to manage this issue as whole group not only with the disruptive child.

Rachael D. Waller and Thomas S. Higbee (2010), The effects of fixed-time escape on inappropriate and appropriate classroom behavior. Journal of applied behavior analysis,43, pp. 149–153
Two different techniques are applied to differentiate them among each other and o prove which one r more efficient to help teacher managing disruptive behaviors within the classroom, the fixed-time (FT) reinforcement has been barely studied and in this study it has been measured the FT reinforcement in appropriate behaviors and disruptive behaviors. The author mentions how the technique should be applied and the results he had. Also the mentions that prizing student is something motivating for them to avoid this behavior inside the classroom.

Rebecca Brenz, Mandy Jurgens, Angela Aailer, Meredith Haugen, and Brandon Kopp (2004), A comparison of response cost and differential reinforcement of other behavior to reduce disruptive behavior in a preschool classroom. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 37, pp. 411–415
The authors of this article focused in the effectiveness of response cost and differential reinforcement of other (DRO) behavior to reduce these issues that are presented in the class. For example in the response cost procedure every child has the same number of coins and during the class if a disruptive behavior is presented a coin will be taken and so on if a considerable number of coins is taken of the child then a reinforcement is delivered, in contrast in the DRO the child will earn coins for each time they don’t misbehave and receive a reinforce if they earn a considerable number of these coins. After this procedure it was easy to differentiate that the response-cost procedure works better with a small group of students and DRO with big groups, so the intention of this research is to find out is this statement is true and which procedure decrease and controls disruptive behavior problems.

'Ivan. L Harrell, Thomas N. Hollins, Jr. (2009) Working with Disruptive Students.' The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges. pp. 69-75
Disruptive behaviors are not only affecting the kid with this issue but also the teacher, the other students, the school and the educational environment, there have been cases and tragedies in which the safety and integrity of the school are in risk and in some cases when teacher has done everything the students is addressed as someone with mental issues and then the student is treated by someone else. We should take in mind that this problem didn’t suddenly appeared, all these disruptive behaviors began as something insignificance and in some point it grew, but something could had been done before and in an early stage. The author gives some advices that teacher can do to preserve the learning environment and how to assist these children.

Kathleen McKinney. (2011) Dealing with Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom. Retrieved from:
In extreme cases when someone s disrupting the class the teacher has the responsibility and the right of taking that person outside of the classroom or even call security form the institution to do this, but not take that person put of the course. Kathleen gives different strategies to support teacher in this labor, it is important to mention that these strategies will not always work, they all depend on how teacher apply, the variation of strategies, the teaching style, the learning environment and the type of behavior is disrupting the class. Each teacher should feel free of using and adapting these strategies not only to him but to what the students really need.

The University of North Carolina. (n.d.) What is Disruptive Behavior? Retrieved from:
The author explains that a disruptive behavior is an action or actions that interferes any activity such as: teaching, classroom activities, etc. Some disruptive behaviors are so strong that can even violate the state rules and teacher should be aware of this and how to act when they face these situations. Disruptive behavior is very linked to mental issues but this is not an excuse to let the person behave that way on the contrary he or she should be sent to be with special education, if teachers don’t know how to manage these situations it is important to ask guidance of any other co worker.

The Council for Exceptional Children (1998) How to Manage Disruptive Behavior in Inclusive Classrooms. Retrieved from:
Public school has a bigger number of disruptive students that privet schools, and nowadays is important that teachers have the tools to provide the knowledge and to have the ability of dealing with these situations, also the support of the school, the principal and parents is very important to facilitate this task. The author mentions that a positive feedback is very motivating for students avoid negative words such as don’t, not, stop, etc, and make them positive like excellent, very good, you can do it. Words have a lot to do with students’ behavior. Keeping the appropriate classroom behavior is a very difficult and stress full task, the author provides some questions for the teacher in order to find the most appropriate strategy for he and his students.


  • Today, we worked on the structure of our literature review which consists of the following five level II headings: title, section I, section II, section III, and conclusion. Add these five headings above your annotated bibliography. For each of the three sections, provide the respective concept in the form of a complete declarative sentence (subject and predicate). Once you have done this, send me an email and I will provide further feedback to this same page.--Bnleez 00:04, 22 October 2011 (UTC)
  • Use Adriana's annotated bibliography as a guide: no bold text and use of level II heading. Also, review APA for each reference. For example, check your spacing, period use, etc. Finally, only double space between references. --Bnleez 13:20, 19 October 2011 (UTC)