User:Vtaylor/here be dragons/Y2015

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— 2015 — apr2015 insurance $ move prep nsb bsf - burns cis89a 9apr lisa davids erau apr 14-15 ft lauderdale 21 mike/martin buffalo 22 sun n fun, bob&lois 28 j&m movers 30 vacate 1916 whisper wood — may2015 1 *36 lindy loop 5-11 ca w.6 deanza barbara dare cis89a th.7 lnch bri g psych sa.9 dinner john bri su.10 sailing kids richard ? 10 kristin shelves /tv deposit $ return 15 disappearing isl jumpin 19 klee kgif lynn g prudhoe 25-jun1 antigua miramar sailing ** 29 mt rya yachtmaster 5/ ca trip iphone soft-shell antigua rya yacht master lindy loop 6/ kg memory foam 7/ boat shoes 8/swe nashville resrv 9/france toronto 10/ swe nashville 12/android tablet xmas kids here — jun-sep 2015 6/20 20 party +50 friends m&m here close 9/- london paris canal du midi paris southhampton toronto icc malivoire drive fl cis 2, 89a 10/ swe nashville jaci ward 12/ - kids here

MEinc * e4k partners outreach * personal learning, mlearning - kids self-directed, teacher tools * water, boats, kids * hsa, mdc * outdoors, flying. people - swe, erau, aitr, bgc, girls, techkids, learnlit. core, abs, upper body * beyond comfort zone, new ** -emails

  • 2015.12 - I teach an online course Computers and the Internet in Society, as well as a Web Development for DeAnza College. Both courses introduce cybersecurity to a broad audience. There is a lot of interest in the subject from students (and me). I would like to participate in developing and offering a course that would be a follow-on to the existing courses. DeAnza faculty have been offering these courses with a different emphasis. I would like to be part of a nation wide network of educators in this specialty. ..vt

  • 2015.11 - learning xprize dev4x android reading math paths "games" - time on task repetition mastery choice personalization tracking acknowledge success
  • 2015.10 - SWE Nashville
  • 2015.07 - lectric library * Jim - diigo rss > wikieducator list > wordpress - teaching k-8, maker, geniushour, e4k - integrating engineering in elementary education
  • 2015.6 - LPSS - NRC learning management test
  • Flavors of Judgment - better balance between judgment and assessment, a quieter inner life, less needless judgment of oneself and others, and greater capacity to attend to the judgments that matter. * actionable. * gratuitous - be mindful that many judgments are not useful to taking effective action. Making the distinction with some journaling or other reflection is often enough to help reduce the amount of gratuitous reflection. * reciprocal - notice the degree to which payback or tradition is guiding us versus a more conscious form of choice.
  • according to cyberfeminist Sadie Plant (1996), the Internet is quintessentially "female technology," allowing the free exchange of information, the lessening of hierarchy, the nurturing aspects of virtual communities, and the ending of patriarchy. At the same time, women may well find that this mode of study demands more motivation, determination, and time-management skills than traditional classes, and their ability to cope will depend largely on how connected they feel with their tutors and fellow students.


  • SAMR Assessment - Black and Wiliam: Defining Formative Assessment - “Practice in a classroom is formative to the extent that evidence about student achievement is elicited, interpreted, and used by teachers, learners, or their peers, to make decisions about the next steps in instruction that are likely to be better, or better founded, than the decisions they would have taken in the absence of the evidence that was elicited.”

  • 2015.3 - Biology - online - activities, discussion, dissection sites/apps, assessment, credit hours

"The world doesn't care how many times you fall down, as long as it's one fewer than the number of times you get back up." - Aaron Sorkin

Task/Skill We Want Student to Become Proficient in ...

  • Envision the future - We want students to be able to envision their future by exploring post-secondary options and selecting care er pathways they want to pursue. This is accomplished by helping them explore opportunities (e.g., academic, training, workplace competencies) and the requirements for being successful. Career interest inventories and assessments are an important part of this process.
  • Identify developmental needs - We want students to be able to identify their academic, career and personal/social needs. The ILP helps students ( and counselors, teacher and parents) monitor their progress along a learning continuum by helping them learn how to identify their needs based on their interests and goals. Part of this process also involves the identification of barriers to student learning and strategies for addressing them. Identification of one’s need is a prerequisite for developing a plan.
  • Develop an action plan - We want students to set short- and long-term goals for meeting their developmental needs and develop an action plan for each goal. Students will focus on one or two goals each year in each of the developmental domains (academic, career, personal/social). Students will also identify, as part of the planning process, measurable ways to determine whether and to what extent they have succeeded in achieving a particular learning goal. Students will document their plans using the ILP planning template.
  • Implement their plan and monitor their progress - Students will be guided in the implementation of their plans and monitoring their progress as they implement it. The application of continuous improvement principles (e.g., ongoing monitoring of the implementation) enables them to take corrective action as needed throughout the school year.
  • Evaluate their progress, document their conclusions and develop new plans - Students will assess their progress through self-reflection and discussions with adults, document the results, and use the results to develop a plan for the next school year.
  • Provide evidence of progress toward standards - Students will identify, gather, organize and present evidence of their progress toward standards (e.g., portfolio)

Guidelines for Inquiry-Based Project Work - The inquiry study encourages students to develop habits of mind that encourage them to ask questions concerning the following:

  • evidence (How do we know what we know?)
  • viewpoint (Who is speaking?)
  • pattern and connection (What causes what?)
  • supposition (How might things have been different?)
  • why it matters (Who cares?)

e/merge Africa 2015 - online research colloquium from 6-10 April 2015 with the theme of “Transforming Pedagogical Practices in African Higher Education with blended and online learning”.

  • I have been integrating technology in teaching and learning for many years, as a distance learning student (Masters of Education on Online Teaching and Learning), as an instructor (Higher Education Distance Learning courses in technology), as a professional development mentor to primary and secondary educators, and as a lifelong learner in global communities with broad interests in technology for teaching and learning. Personally and professionally, there is so much to do, so little time...

  • Learning Differences - repeat
  • Coaching Digital Learning | Cultivating a Culture of Change
  • twitter personal learning network edtech BYOD ipaded STEMedu STEM k8engineering freeapp edapp
  • engineering - expertise, reviews, collaborate - resources, ongoing
  • feng shui - 2015 - the year of the Wood Sheep.


  • (Shulman, 1999). He coined a "taxonomy of pedago-pathology" consisting of amnesia, fantasia, and inertia. According to Shulman, amnesia refers to students forgetting, as a matter of course, what they learned. He joked that sometimes they even forget that they attended some classes. Fantasia denotes persistent misconceptions, where students are unaware that they misunderstand. Finally, inertia signifies that students are unable to use what they learned.
  • Getting Out of a Rut: Expand Your Influence by Diversifying Your Network - January 08, 2015 - global, diverse, change - identity, strategic accomplish, areas of expansion, trusting relationships, social, listen > depth, communicate expertise through storytelling, new value.. know > connect, professional swe ? food sci. context counts - allies, actives, associates, acquaintances, accidents. KeyNet - influencer, wise elder, cheerleader, guru, promoter, creative, wizard, critic.. best/test. LIFT - LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter - formal, fun, fast. what can I give, generous. personal / professional. how can i help you...
  • Access, Engage and Express was developed from the Universal Design for Learning® (UDL) principles
  • personal learning trends - "four large concepts that encompass the 10 trends that you will see impacting learning starting this coming year: Learning Culture, Learning Environments, Deeper Learning, and Partners in Learning." teachers - personal professional learning plan. learners - The heart of the advisory is the reflection on the learner's work and learning goals referring to their Personal Learning Plans. It is important to get advisories right and build these relationships around a purpose on a regular basis.assessment - monitoring own learning
  • Paideia philosophy - Teaching listening - practice and teach listening in three important ways. 1. Listening is an observable skill. We can emphasize using body language to listen, beginning with looking at the speaker (as a reader looks at the words in a book). 2. Active listening is built on focus and concentration, mind work. When we are focused and concentrating, we do one thing with our complete attention. In this way, when we truly listen, we are not talking or reading something else. 3. We can practice and teach listening by explicitly saying back what we heard to check for understanding.