Learning Literacies - Search

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Learning outcomes


Study notes

  • What

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  1. I need...
  2. Consume - get - site, review, highlight, question, discuss
  3. Create - make, get - demonstrate, learning narrative, peer review
  4. Collaborate - problem, work breakdown, solution
  5. Thinking thing - sharing, questions, news, funny
  6. I learned ... - What did you learn? How will you use the knowledge and skills?
  • Web Literacies - Exploring, Building, Connecting - weekly discussions - competency from each strand

Building / create - Activities / projects - suggestions - choose your own adventure - weekly report

  • Starters - easier, fun - overview, introduction to Web Literacies
  • Basics - skill building - all Web Literacies competencies
  • Challenges - stretch, more difficult - in depth on one or more Web Literacies

learning / life skills - time, tasks, resources, motivation, 43 things literacies, academic, process, cognitive, basic skills poll, survey - similarities, differences, self-aware