User:Vtaylor/Learning literacies

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Learn and practice how to learn while working through the activities

. Activities include

  • digital literacy - research, communication, presentation, discussion
  • learning literacies - self-directed learning, inquiry-based learning, collaboration
  • reinforcing basic skills - reading, writing, math

  1. Use it - Technology Operations and Concepts - write, edit, copy, paste, save, transfer
  2. Find it - Research and Information Fluency - browsers, search
  3. Protect it - Identity, Privacy and Copyright - privacy, copyright
  4. Solve it - Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
  5. Make it - Creativity and Innovation - photo, draw, paint, write
  6. Share it - Communication and Collaboration - publish, work together
  • Links - just rss for each

H1(Course), H2(Lesson), H3(Topics).

student feedback

  • Yea definitely different. ... So far this is an amazing course. I really like the idea of learning to learn. ..SG 14s

Overview / assessment

digital literacy - research, communication, presentation, discussion

  • For research assignments, I use a variety of search sites and keywords to find reliable online resources that add to my understanding of the subject.
  • I express my ideas and opinions in online class discussions, and provide appropriate feedback to others.
  • I have used several online presentation tools and have prepared a presentation for others to review.

learning literacies - self-directed learning, inquiry-based learning, collaboration

  • I can work at my own pace, and complete all the assignments for an online course.
  • I have areas of interest that I can incorporate into course activities that require independent research and presentation.
  • I can review the work of others and provide constructive criticism to help them improve their work.
  • I appreciate the suggestions from others, and use this information to improve my work.

reinforcing basic skills - reading, writing, math

  • Learning to be a lifelong learner is important to me.
  • I need good basic skills - reading, writing and math, and I am working to improve these skills.

Pre- and Post- Survey

DeAnza College Digital Learning Literacies

This survey will be used for research purposes only. All responses will remain anonymous and any data that is reported will be at the aggregate level (no individual data will be given out). You may choose not to answer any question.

This survey will help the Digital Learning Literacies program serve students better. The results will be given to the research staff, not your instructor. This survey is voluntary and completing it shows your willingness to participate.

Please answer all questions in relation to this learning community this quarter.

We greatly appreciate your participation!

Please rate your experiences using the following scale: 1 = Never 2 = Rarely / Hardly ever 3 = Sometimes 4 = Often 5 = Very often

  1. Work with other students during a course.
  2. Use a digital technology to deliver a course assignment. For example, interactive presentation, cartoon, podcast, social bookmarks
  3. Consider the possible consequences of providing personal information to a web site I don't know - full name, picture, phone number
  4. Use advanced search options to find information sources other than the first page of a basic Google search.
  5. Participate in an online discussion.
  6. Take responsibility for my own learning and preparing for class, rather than just doing assigned homework.
  7. Request help or additional information about class topics and assignments from other students or the instructor.
  8. Know what my grade is during the semester so I can ensure that I have turned in all required assignments, and know what I need to improve to increase my grade.
  9. Complete any / all extra credit assignments for my courses.
  10. Proactive - read up on a topic before class, to be ready to learn about this topic.
  11. Organized, understand requirements, meet deadlines.
  12. Communicate with instructor, and/or work group about problems, inability to meet deadlines.
  13. Use Catalyst functions and settings.

Please use the following scale: 1 = Not at all 2 = Very little 3 = Some 4 = Much 5 = Very much

  1. My writing is more effective and clear.
  2. I organize my time better, so I can get more done in the time available>
  3. Problem-solving is easier using strategies to break down the problem into pieces.
  4. Web-based applications have helped me organize assignments better.
  5. Assignments get turned in on time.
  6. Tracking assignments in Catalyst helps me focus on the course.
  7. My personal information is more secure from identity theft and email scams.
  8. The online resources that I find and reference are more appropriate to assignment requirements.
  9. I use technology appropriately to prepare presentations.

2021.12 Now they get it. At least some do. Online and blended have of necessity been tried and appreciated by the vast majority of the population. There are many good articles and webinars on ways to keep some elements of online learning even as students and teachers return to classrooms and “real school”.

2020.8 Your point about the poor performance of kids at Florida Virtual School got me thinking... I know of several kids who do virtual school in Brevard and Volusia because they can't function in a classroom - too ADHD, too disruptive, ... and they contribute to the low success rate. However, our community college has offered television, then online courses for 40 years. These are alternatives to in-person teaching and learning that are very successful.

At least part of the reason that students don't do well in online courses or in community college is known. The Aha moment - these kids don't know how to learn. In a K-12 classroom they get enough support, guidance, supervision that they can get by. However, put them in a learning environment where they need to be self-directed and many will fail.

A number of years ago community colleges around the country set out to address the issue of kids coming to community college unprepared to learn. As part of that initiative at our college, we put together the framework for learning to learn "digitally" - using digital tools. This turned into a broader program that addressed learning generally using online course delivery, resources and student activities. Many of the activities are "low-stakes" to familiarize the students with the learning objectives and the online environment. These are applicable in an offline environment, so we covered all the areas of concern.

Many educators unfamiliar with extensive inclusion of self-directed learning, online pedagogy and managed learning environments dismiss online learning as a viable alternative to in-class education. This apparent "lack of success" is complex. Poorly designed and implemented online courses account for some of the problems. However, at its root, learning to learn is critical for many. 

We have been incorporating elements of the learning to learn program in other online courses with good results. For many this is the first time they have ever had any explicit help "learning to learn".


  • DARE Outcomes
  • Common Core for College - essential learning outcomes cover civic engagement, ethical reasoning, creative thinking, global learning, information literacy, intercultural knowledge and other skills. Titled LEAP, for Liberal Education and America’s Promise

CIS77X Syllabus, resources collection

2015.05 2248 . 2020.8 5416