CIS2 - Computers and Society SUMMER 2012 Final Project Group G

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CIS2 - Computers and Society SUMMER 2012 Final Project Group G

Group G Final Project

Best Two Resources

Week 1: Introductions and Computers in Society

Children Grow Weaker with Advancement in Technology With the increase in access to computers, is there a decrease in physical activity that will hinder the next generation. I think this is an important question that goes beyond just computers; video games, and TV are all major factors that are influencing the younger generation.

Computers are Necessary in Society Today An author discusses how people take computers for granted. We act as though computers have been around forever and the younger generations today do not even know how to comprehend a world without computers being a part of our daily lives. Is that not amazing?

Week 2: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

Computer Privacy Screen in SF Library for Discreet Porn Watching SF Library Installs Computer Privacy Screens For More Discreet Porn Watching- Screen monitors are good for privacy when using computers. However, this article speaks of a SF library installing the screens for discretion. Truly, I thought using public libraries limited certain access. I found it shocking that libraries even allowed access to adult web sites.

Nerd Sexism Not Okay This video is about the right to freedom of speech. It demonstrates how many people lack the knowledge of what freedom of speech entitles them and how ignorant some people can be with offensive speech. It is really interesting how much right people think they have just because they understand a little bit of what it means to have the "freedom of speech."

Week 3: Intellectual Property

Creative Commons The concept of "creative commons" is discussed in this great piece. It helps educate alternatives to copyright its differences.

The Low-Down on Copyright Law This article breaks down what copyright is and how it works and its relationship with legal protection.

Week 4: Crime

Hacking to Protect A great way for companies to figure out their weaknesses and fix them. This reminded me of an article I read a long time ago about people who create computer viruses. Companies hire these people to help them create a virus so that consumers are forced to by their products to "protect themselves." That should be a crime. At least what these companies are doing is to benefit their clients, not harm them.

The FBI Attempts to Stop Cyber Crimes People are easily tricked on social networking sites and the internet to think they may be talking to certain people. The internet has many loopholes that people look for to commit strategic crimes.

Week 5: Employment, Education and Entertainment

10 Ways Mobile Learning will Revolutionize Education Mobile learning for all ages and hold no expiration date.

Mobile Learning: How We Will Learn It still amazes me that things are advancing so quickly. This article discusses things that should be obsolete in a classroom, things that I grew up with. I think it is crazy to see where the future is leading us.

Week 6: Millennium Development Goal

Become Familiar with MDG The hub for all of the goals. This is the starting point for any discussion about the MDG's

Computer Science Fights Against HIV/AIDS It is so great that Microsoft is helping out with the HIV/AIDs epidemic. Providing scientists a new way of looking at the cells will definitely help them develop a cure quicker.

Week 7: Evaluating and Controlling Technology

Cars Drive Themselves The self driving car is becoming a reality. Google has their own version of it. This shows the progression of the technology that will someday take over the roadways.

Web Tutors Being able to judge the reliability of sources is very important, especially to a research project like this. We want to be able to find the most reliable sources and this is a great list of what should be checked.

Week 8: Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

Avoid GPS Mistakes I love how reliant people have become on technology that they cannot wrap their brains around the mistakes it might have. It amazes me how we must mock those who drive into the water because their GPS said so, but we have given up our logic to technology.

Robot Ethics Finding a balance between what we can do and what should do is the main topic of this video. The balance between using robots in situations that should warrant human interaction is going to be a topic that will be discussed for a while.

Week 9: Anytime, Anywhere

Smartphones Effect 1991 vs. 2011 Smartphones are evolving so quickly. Two decades ago we would never have imagined we could carry around a portable device that played music, games, browsed the internet, and was capable of many other functions. This article showing the discussion is really interesting.

Sixth Sense in Technology If Pranav Mistry's invention works, we will essentially become machines and the idea of anytime, anywhere will truly become realized. I think this invention is amazing but scary.

Week 10: Technology Advances, Social Trends

Touch Screen Stretchable Phones, and Transparent Computers in 2014 Touch Screen Technology is now taking the next leap in the coming years. It has dual screen, transparent screens, WiFi connected with mirrors, and more.

Airlines To Sell Tickets via Mobile Phones by 2015 Airlines To Sell Tickets via Mobile Phones by 2015. I chose this article because I can see this happening sooner than 2015.

Individual Contributions

Angel Avila

Week 1: Introductions and Computers in Society

1 There have been multiple studies and articles written about the affect of social media and people with shyness and social anxiety issues.This article looks at the benefits of using Facebook as an aid in overcoming shyness.This was the first article I used and still find it insightful.

2 I picked this article because it addresses an important topic. With the increase in access to computers, is there a decrease in physical activity that will hinder the next generation. I think this is an important question that goes beyond just computers; video games, and tv are all major factors that are influencing the younger generation.

3 The FDA approving computer chips for human insertion is just the first step in the integration between technology and society. We saw later in the course that there are now tattoos that are being developed that would connect with your cell phone. This is an older article that gives us insight to where this new trend in total integration with technology has evolved.

4 Touchscreen: This poem embodies so many things that can be a benefit or burden of technology. The over dependance of technology is the biggest burden, finding the balance is one of the hardest things to do for some people. This poem peels back the shroud of denial on the dark side of technology.

5 I picked this article because it clearly shows how computers are going to change the way we live. An application like this can change the way medical diagnostics are done and even something less dramatic as just changing the way you browse the web. Looking at technology which was once just seen in the movies but is now a developing project is amazing. This shows how rapidly technology is advancing and the new ways to implement it in our lives.

Week 2: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

1 Copyright infringement is the main problem for companies that are plagued by online piracy. This site addresses the different methods that are being used to deter piracy.

2 Identity theft is one of the biggest cause of financial loss in the country. Protecting yourself and knowing the tricks is the best method to avoiding this happening to you.

3 The fist step in protecting your image and identity is knowing that once things go out the are there forever. The ease in adding things doesn't address the complications in deleting them from the web.

4 Credit card fraud is another huge problem, your identity can be stolen without the card even leaving your possession.

5 This article addresses the contradiction that is associated with wanting privacy in social media. Being aware of how the information is distributed once you place it on a site is important when looking at your privacy rights.

6 Educating yourselves on the tools available to protect your privacy is key. This article shows how many people do not even use basic privacy settings for the worlds largest social media sites.

Week 3: Intellectual Property

1 The laws are changing to keep up with the evolution of technology. The DCMA is one of the main legislation's that deal with digital copyright protection.

2 Google's open source project encourages the development of their product by making it available to the masses. It creates awareness of the project as well as fosters a sense of community between the developers who in turn create a better system.

3 The issue with piracy is that in order to contain it there are sometimes drastic measures needed to stop it. This article details laws that may do that, but in doing so could be creating a slippery slope to a censored nation.

4 This is a short article but it addresses some common misconceptions about copyrights. The basis of action against pirates is that the person holds a copyright to the product. This article helps inform people on just what in covered and not covered my copyright laws.

5 A fun video that is extremely informative about copyright laws and how they effect they have on the future of society. This spin on the bland laws is what is needed to inform larger audiences.

Week 4: Crime

1 Computers have been used in almost ever aspect of society. This article describes how they are being developed to aid in fighting crime. While this isn't new since computer databases have been in use for a while, this program is a development in the system will upgrade what is currently in place and only help them more in the future.

2 This article is an example of how criminals now come in all shapes and sizes. This 20 year old man was arrested 3 times and stole over 1 million dollars, yet some how only is serving 4 years in prison. The laws are now playing catch up to the criminals. This article shows how even someone as unassuming as this man can be a criminal and ruin thousands of lives.

3 Breaking the law for hire isn't new when it comes to the tech field. There have been countless companies and contest who pay for people to find breaches before the real criminals do. This article shows how beneficial this practice is, and how companies are now using it to their advantage before they experience it to their detriment.

4 This article shows how Facebook is monitoring chats to looks for criminals. I was surprised at first when I first read this but applaud FB for doing this. The problem with predators is that they will look for any group to prey upon. Having measures in place is the first step in eliminating this threat.

5 This is a collection of some of the most famous hackers, seeing these hackers good and bad provides insight on the different ways you can use your powers (so to say) for good or evil.

Week 5: Employment, Education and Entertainment

1 The video provide tips that can be used by anyone for lifelong learning. This is especially helpful for returning students. The tips can be applied to all aspects of your life.

2 Thinking outside of the box, some universities are opting use the game second life to host classrooms. This is an alternative to regular classes and online classes where you stare at forum post.

3 This article addresses some of the point that need to be made about the generation that is in school now. With all the advancements in technology there are multiple ways to engage and distract students today.

4 Mobile learning is the future of education. It is making learning more accessible and engaging to the masses. This article shows a few of the ways that mobile learning is shaping the way education is distributed.

5 This article discusses the changes of education globally. This is important because for students to succeed they need to look globally not just locally because that is where their competition is coming from.

Week 6: Millennium Development Goal

1 The hub for all of the goals. This is the starting point for any discussion about the MDG's.

2 This was a great site that aims to address the hunger need globally.

3 UNICEF's goals to end child mortality are diverse and spread from vaccinations to clean water.

4 The treatment plans for cancer are so varied now, this was a great resource and starting point on this discussion.

5 Maternal health goes hand in hand with the child mortality goal. The goals overlap and have the same target audience. The task force focuses on the mothers first to ensure the child is healthy.

Week 7: Evaluating and Controlling Technology

1 A lengthy but informative video that discusses technology and the direction that it is taking our society. This is also a great starting point to spark conversation about technology.

2 The self driving car is becoming a reality. Google has their own version of it. This shows the progression of the technology that will someday take over the roadways.

3 Having textbooks accessible at low to no cost is key to furthering advancement in our culture. This is usually a hurdle to prevents people from returning to college or attending in the first place.

4 This is a short video that makes a great point that social media and the distribution of technology is changing the way the world is communicating.

5 This technology is being used to change the way that we interact with 2d images and programs. It is converting our space into a 3d world that will eventually seamlessly integrate with our own just like in the movies.


Week 8: Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

1 The future of medicine will be distributed through the advancement of technology. This shows how hospitals are implementing computers more and more in their work.

2 Finding a balance between what we can do and what should do is the main topic of this video. The balance between using robots in situations that should warrant human interaction is going to be a topic that will be discussed for a while.

3 This article addresses an important fact that as we depend on technology, there will always be a premium for dependability and reliability with the equipment.

4 The article aims to educate people of common computer crimes, how to identify and protect oneself from them. Education is key to preventing a lot of the negative issues that have been raised this course.

5 Having a balance in your life is key not only to your sanity but your health when it comes to technology integration. This is an important article to read.

Week 9: Anytime, Anywhere

1 Smartphones are becoming the status quo and this is showing the growth in usage globally. This is important to see the trend that the world will be heading.

2 The developments in technology will be shaping the way the world does everything. This shows the way it is now developing the gaming world.

3 For every positive example of the benefits to online education there are conflicting feelings. This article shows that it still isn't as widely accepted as some would be led to believe.

4 Being a father I found this article interesting because you need to have a balance with your kids and technology. You want them be be proficient with it but not consumed by it. This article shows that there are benefits to letting your children use your phone as a tool rather than a distraction. 5 Sticking with the smartphone topic, this article shows the top apps that every phone should have. The right apps can turn your phone into a mobile work hub and maximize your productivity.

Week 10: Technology Advances, Social Trends

1 Tech has advanced to a state where it is now a status symbol and will continue to develop function fashion trends that will incorporate it further into our lives.

2 A list of innovations that will change society, from tools to clean water bags. This is a great reference page to all things that are on the horizon.

3 A good lecture that points to the future of construction and engineering.

4 This video showcases companies trying to use technology to better society. This is important because what some people spend a month on a cell phone bill is more than what some families make in a year.

5 In a world where everything is available at the click of a button, realizing that some people don't even have access to clean water seems unimaginable. This company uses technology to create income and local access to clean water.

Tarina Garrett

Week 1 Introductions and Computers in Society

1 The Future of Computerized Eyeglasses Google is working on an invention of eyeglasses that will have a built in monitor to show your friends face when they call you, get the weather forecast by looking at the sky, and get directions by following your virtual path. I chose this article because although some of these inventions are being worked on and may not be implemented, they will impact our society if they do. This is just a look at how digital we are going. Will wearing these type of glasses just to keep up with weather, friends, or getting directions even be safe? (New Search)

2 Computers To Predict The Effects of HIV Policies Brown University is working on a computer program that calibrates to model accurately the spread of HIV in New York City and how to "make specific predictions about the future of the epidemic under various intervention scenarios" If the strategy is implemented and executed properly it would be effective and would also reduce the rate by more than 60 percent. (New Search)

3 How Social Networking Has Changed Society "Social networking services expand the pool of people we have the opportunity to meet to near limitless possibilities. We're no longer restricted to or rely on people in our neighborhood, church, or workplace to provide the interaction we desire." (New Search)

4 Computer Technology & Music Have You Downloaded Music? Computer technology has changed the way we obtain music. Music has become digital and it has played a role in how users use the internet to look for music artist and their music.

5 Children and the Internet "The internet is changing how our brains work." Children are becoming more active with the internet and technology than their parents. Survey and studies with compelling numbers, for example, "by the age of 2 more than 90% of all American children have an online history". "Teenagers text an average of 3,400 times a month". I chose this article because it is amazing that our children are asking "What is Facebook? or "Can I open a Facebook account?" At the age of 9, "Can I have a phone?" "Can I use the computer to play a game with my friend?" These are questions as adults we would not have asked 10 or 20 years ago. (New Search)

Week 2 Privacy and Freedom of Speech

1 SF Library Installs Computer Privacy Screens For More Discreet Porn Watching Screen monitors are good for privacy when using computers. However, this article speaks of a SF library installing the screens for discretion. Truly, I thought using public libraries limited certain access. I found it shocking that libraries even allowed access to adult web sites. (New Search)

2 "Figuring Out Free Speech On The Internet" This article was chosen because in fact it is true, there are not enough internet and wireless competitors. Internet service providers blocking or censoring content is a form of discrimination. And users should have free speech and the right to view whichever content they choose. (New Search)

3 "Internet Censorship" I found this piece to insightful due to its content. Why should the government deem what people should see or hear? They are unable to choose what is suitable for the community or those viewing the internet. It should be our choice what pictures, videos, or content we want to view. (New Search)

4 Consumers want to know that when they are accessing the internet that we have some privacy with our personal data. It was important to see the input of President Obama advising that the New Internet Privacy laws would “help assure continued growth in the Internet economy,” since consumers would trust Web companies more.

5 "Ways To Steal Identity Over The Internet" You have to be really careful with the emails and websites we connect to on the internet with these new technical ways of luring people that websites and emails are safe. Consumers have really been taking a hit with personal identity theft with Spoofing gaining access to personal information.

Week 3 Intellectual Property

1 Record companies sued a Digital Music website Limewire that allowed consumers to download artist music. However it posed a problem to the artist and record labels because they were losing their revenue. Due to the financial loss in revenue and the rights of the artist a judge ruled in their favor and demanded the company to shut down.

2 There are disclosures online for artist, managers, and record labels who seek to upload or submit music to radio, promotional websites, and social media networks. Those disclosures are very specific in indicating that music submitted has to be their own and not music that has a copyright.

3 This article breaks down what copyright is and how it works and its relationship with legal protection.

4 This website's content explains what fair use is to help those get an understanding of how fair use is implemented.

5 7 Great facts of what you need to know and understand about Creative Commons. (New Search)

Week 4 Crime

1 Internet crimes have become easier for potential thieves with less risk of getting caught by enforcement.

2 Sex offenders and pedophiles use the internet to find young children as victims. The internet is used more discreetly for such criminals because they do not have to go out and public and face the potential risk.

3 People are easily tricked on social networking sites and the internet to think they may be talking to certain people. The internet has many loopholes that people look for to commit strategic crimes.

4 This site from the LA Times shares different stories dating back to 1985. These article will show internet crimes have evolved. In the year 2000 there is an article that shows how companies loss about $10 Billion dollars due to cyber crimes. (New Search)

5 Committing cyber crimes hold a lengthy sentencing if convicted. This article is about a 20 year old college student who used the internet and webcam to watch and broadcast his male roommate on social media networks on a date with another male. Bullying on the internet is a punishable crime.

Week 5 Employment, Education, and Entertainment

1 Mobile learning for all ages and hold no expiration date.

2 Great article piece. I choose this one to show that you can customize the structure of mobile learning since all persons do not learn the same. 3 For those who have a challenging time with distance learning these are helpful tips on how you can be successful and enjoy it in the process. Distance learning is not for everyone it takes a great amount of discipline.

4 As technology advances will more people be without jobs? This is a look into how President Obama views technology as one of the reason why people are losing their jobs in this economy.

5 Vocational online training will like be the move for those who are unemployed. This will prevent what some call a skills gap and open more opportunities for those who are unable to find jobs. (New Search)

Week 6 Millennium Development Goals

1 Reducing Child Mortality. Pulse Oximetry technology will improve the quality of clinical care for children for screening and monitoring.

2 Improving Maternal Health. Pregnant women will be able to receive information through their pregnancies via midwife utilizing Mobile Technology for Community Health also known as MOTECH.

3 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases. Tech will be able to detect disease through technology.

4 Develop a Global Partnership for Development. WHO provides pharmaceutical manufacturers with the information they need to produce quality, safe, effective essential medicines to address leading public health concerns. 5 Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women. MDG Fund works to improving legal systems to respect women’s rights.

Week 7 Evaluating and Controlling Technology

1 Reflections on the Digital Divide between Baby Boomers

2 Shares supporting information and statistics as to how the internet has expanded. "Internet use is continuing to increase for everyone regardless of income, education, age, race, ethnicity or gender."

3 Mobile phones can help increase the productivity in isolated areas which will make a huge impact monetarily.

4 Control Systems. Revision control is an effective resource to monitor issues with sharing files in the workforce.

5 Minorities Facing Digital Divide. Interestingly when computers first launched minorities were less likely to have access to the internet. (New Search)

Week 8 Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

1 Conflict Of Interest. This is a good example of how holding to positions conflict with each other. In this article it clearly shows that a conflict of interest would be that of “Apple buying technology from Bloom Energy, where Al Gore has a financial stake.

2 Ethics * Information in technology has shaped its own cultural identity. And it is up to the user to uphold their moral responsibility.

3 More people are becoming dependent towards the internet and using it as their go to source.

4 Risks and Failures. "3 Google executives were convicted of privacy violations for allowing a video of an autistic boy being abused to be posted online — a case that has been closely watched for its implications on Internet freedom."

5 How to Protect Yourself From Internet Crimes.

Week 9 Anytime, Anywhere

1 Banks will lose their competitive edge to online providers if more consumers use online providers such as Paypal.

2 Smartphones are being more equipped to provide more pay to mobile features.

3 Offshoring* This article shares the reason why offshoring takes place and gives viewpoints of advantages as well as disadvantages.

4 Paypal. An dominant online payment service provider that is giving the banks a run for its money offering services to anyone.

5 Mobile Learning The Advantages and Disadvantages.

Week 10 Technology Advances, Social Trends

1 Touch Screen Stretchable Phones, and Transparent Computers in 2014

2 An implant in our brains that will help others read our minds.

3 Siri Apple's new iPhone app is available on new iPads. (New Search)

4 Gesture Based Remote Controls Advanced Technology.

5 Airlines To Sell Tickets via Mobile Phones by 2015. I chose this article because I can see this happening sooner than 2015. It will be real convenient for regular travelers. However, if this is implemented, will travel agents start to lose their jobs? (New Search)

John Tang

Week 1: Introductions

1 This site really helped give me insight to how much computers have integrated in society. I was well aware of the progression we have been making but the numbers still shock me. This definitely helped open my eyes to the power of social media. (Week 1 Discussion)

2 This site just discusses the impact of computers in our society today. It shows how many ways computers have changed our lives and what amazing uses they provide, uses that were not even thought possible many years ago. (New Search)

3 Are computers necessary today? This website shows just how necessary computers are in today's society. It also brings up the point that a decade ago, the answer would have been a resounding no, but that is not the case anymore. (New Search)

4 On this site, the author discusses how people take computers for granted. We act as though computers have been around forever and the younger generations today do not even know how to comprehend a world without computers being a part of our daily lives. Is that not amazing? (New Search)

5 We live in the era of IT, as this article discusses. Computers appear everywhere today, even in job fields we would least expect it. Try to think of a job today that does not have computers used in any way, shape, or form. It is almost impossible because computers have become part of society and it would be ridiculous to think otherwise. (New Search)

Week 2: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

1 I really liked this video about the right to freedom of speech. It demonstrates how many people lack the knowledge of what freedom of speech entitles them and how ignorant some people can be with offensive speech. It is really interesting how much right people think they have just because they understand a little bit of what it means to have the "freedom of speech." (Week 2 Discussion)

2 I learned a lot about anonymity through this article. It still makes me ponder the idea of how anonymous should a person be allowed to be over the internet, especially with all these cyberbullies going around abusing this privilege. (Week 2 Discussion)

3 This article made me laugh because of how much China is willing to do to censor its country from certain things. I understand the idea behind it, but I do not think it will be very beneficial in the long run. I know they already censor certain things over there, I wonder if there will be an uproar or not about having things censored like so. Big brother is coming for China! (New Search)

4 I know of Jenna Marbles, she is a "celebrity" on the internet, but I do not follow her actions or what is going on in her life. I actually have only seen a few videos she posts, but it is crazy how people like her can become so famous by creating an online persona. It is so great that we allow people to express their emotions so freely over the internet. (Blog)

5 I was aware of SOPA as it was occurring, but I did not know much about it. This article helped me understand what the fight was (even after it was over). It still amazes me that we almost lost so many rights on the internet. (New Search)

Week 3: Intellectual Property

1 I actually was not very educated on copyright issues so this was very informative. It helped me understand the issue and what it helps protect. (Week 3 Discussion)

2 These were great ideas to share videos online without fear of piracy. It definitely makes you more self-aware of your actions online when you know anything you do can be held against you in the future. (Week 3 Discussion)

3 I had never even heard of the concept "creative commons" so it was really great to find this article. It helped educate me on alternatives to copyright and what the differences are. (Key Word)

4 Again, copyright is something I did not have a firm grasp on and these 10 myths about copyright was informative. I was actually one of those people who used to believe these myths until reading this article. (Selected Media)

5 I learned a lot about artists and their artwork through this article. I always try to look at an artists background to see what influences him/her with their pieces and I think seeing the controversy over them is amazing. (Week 3 Discussion)

Week 4: Crime

1 This article still makes me contemplate the consequences of Kyle McDonald's actions. I admit it was really a cool concept, but I still think he should have been punished somehow. He still committed a crime, even if it was harmless. (Week 4 Discussion)

2 I really enjoyed this article. I think it is a great way for companies to figure out their weaknesses and fix them. This reminded me of an article I read a long time ago about people who create computer viruses. Companies hire these people to help them create a virus so that consumers are forced to by their products to "protect themselves." That should be a crime. At least what these companies are doing is to benefit their clients, not harm them. (Week 4 Discussion)

3 This was a great article to look at for cyber crimes. It was really interesting and eye opening on how many different cases there have been. (Selected Media)

4 Very in depth analysis of internet fraud. It was useful to know these things so I can avoid committing internet fraud without being aware of it. (Selected Media)

5 Taking the quiz from this link shows me that I have made a few mistakes in the past about protecting myself. Luckily for me, those incidents did not result in any dire consequences, but now I know better. (Assignment)

Week 5: Employment, Education and Entertainment

1 I love brainteasers and I think it is great that games are trying to incorporate them in order to educate the youth. I think mixing education and entertainment is headed in the right direction but it still needs to be perfected. (Games) 2 I found this game and I fell in love with it. It is difficult but so addicting. It definitely educates me and challenges my brain to think in different ways than it is used to. (New Search)

3 his site just shows the demands for IT positions and demonstrates how much computers have become a part of our jobs. It is crazy how fast technology has progressed. A few decades ago, we would never have dreamed of some of these positions. (New Search)

4 It still amazes me that things are advancing so quickly. This article discusses things that should be obsolete in a classroom, things that I grew up with. I think it is crazy to see where the future is leading us. (Week 5 Discussion)

5 This is an interesting idea that jobs are evolving and not becoming obsolete. This article just demonstrates how jobs are changing, not dying out. Technology may be taking over some jobs, but it opens doors to new ones. Jobs that would not have been thought possible without the advancement of technology. (Selected Media)

Week 6: Millennium Development Goal

1 I found this website back in high school and I thought it was really cool. It not only donates food (rice grains) to those in need, but it educates those who want to help. It uses technology to engage volunteers to learn and have fun while helping out! (New Search)

2 I think indexing animals online for people to see is great. Having this site helps people realize what animals are endangered and what they can do to protect them. I love that it has pictures instead of just descriptions. (Week 6 Discussion)

3 I love the idea of creating light from a coke bottle to help those in poverty. This is an example of low end technology, but still is technology. It is very creative and can help so many people! (Week 6 Discussion)

4 It is so great that Microsoft is helping out with the HIV/AIDs epidemic. Providing scientists a new way of looking at the cells will definitely help them develop a cure quicker. (Week 6 Discussion)

5 Creating a program to help manage information on local partners is great in preventing HIV/AIDs. I think the usage of technology to save lives is going to continue to increase and this is just a great start to it! (New Search)

Week 7: Evaluating and Controlling Technology

1 I used to relate Artificial Intelligence with scary sci-fi movies so it was nice to get a comprehensive definition and description of what it actually is. This provided a lot of useful information. (Selected Media)

2 What an interesting invention to use technology to access terrains humans cannot or are unsure of. I think this is such a cool invention! It could uncover so many new things, I cannot wait for the invention for the technology that could traverse the deep seas, land, and air. (Selected Media)

3 Being able to judge the reliability of sources is very important, especially to a research project like this. We want to be able to find the most reliable sources and this is a great list of what should be checked. (Week 7 Discussion)

4 It is great to be able to see where technology came from and how it has advanced to where it is today. Watching the progression is crazy and it shows how much technology has become part of our lives. (Week 7 Discussion)

5 Sharing information is almost necessary in today's world so it is important to protect your ideas. It can lead to a progression of something that one person alone could not figure out. This is a great site to understand how to go about sharing knowledge in order to get the best results. (Week 7 Discussion)

Week 8: Risks, Failures and Responsibilities

1 I love how reliant people have become on technology that they cannot wrap their brains around the mistakes it might have. It amazes me how we must mock those who drive into the water because their GPS said so, but we have given up our logic to technology. (Week 8 Discussion)

2 Technological advancements has had its ups and downs. This link shows some of the craziest inventions that should have worked but just did not make the cut. (Week 8 Discussion)

3 I think its a bit comical that there has to be a troubleshoot for an error the company made. I understand it is difficult to foresee some of these mistakes but sometimes it just gets out of hand. (New Search)

4 Using computers to simulate and test a medical hypothesis seems dangerous because of the risks involved, but if it can be perfected, the uses are limitless. I hope it does provide a foundation for future experiments. (Week 8 Discussion)

5 Incorrect coding or malfunctions in medical devices can kill, but we take the risk because the benefits outweigh the negatives. But people are arguing for "open-source" medical technology so others can improve upon these devices. (Selected Media)

Week 9: Anytime, Anywhere

1 Smartphones are evolving so quickly. Two decades ago we would never have imagined we could carry around a portable device that played music, games, browsed the internet, and was capable of many other functions. This article showing the discussion is really interesting. (Week 9 Discussion)

2 Education and Smartphone, do they mix? People are trying to meld the two together in order to provide an entertaining way to educate. It could potentially be the new break through in educating this new generation. (New Search)

3 Cloud computing is so amazing. The idea is so interesting and when it first came out, I could barely wrap my head around it. I have yet to use it, but my sister is a pro at it and uses it for work. It definitely is a benefit. (Selected Media)

4 People are trying so hard to incorporate education with technology and this website discusses the pros and cons of online education. It helps people figure out if online education is for them or not. (Week 9 Discussion)

5 If Pranav Mistry's invention works, we will essentially become machines and the idea of anytime, anywhere will truly become realized. I think this invention is amazing but scary. (Week 9 Discussion)

Week 10: Technology Advances, Social Trends

1 This is crazy! An implant to allow a paralyzed woman control a robot! What will we come up with next? These advancements are so futuristic and almost seems impossible. I am glad it is helping someone out but I do not know if I approve of it. It is too sci-fi and unreal to comprehend. (Week 10 Discussion)

2 Again, this is all very futuristic but I think this one would be really cool to have. Clothing that is embedded with technology seems like a fantastic invention. Those contact lenses is interesting as well and I would not mind trying those out. (Selected Media)

3 Mashing education with entertainment in Ethiopia might be the best way to educate the youth. There is just too high of a drop out rate that doing anything that might help is the best step right now. Too many kids and adults in Ethiopia are illiterate and this seems to be educating the country. I think this is a great idea for the country. It might not work here because kids have too much that they would not focus. (Week 10 Discussion)

4 This video talks about how Nevada has legalized a car that requires no driver -- it drives itself! The idea is to eliminate human error and allow these cars to call the shots. The intent is to cut down accidents and rid the roads of traffic. (Week 10 Discussion)

5 This just shows some of the advancements of the U.S. trying to create cleaner energy. It also shows what some advancements will be in the future and how it will benefit the world. There seems to be some really amazing inventions that can really help the world out once it is invented. (Week 10 Discussion)