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(Comment.gif: Dear Dr. Viswanathappa. Nice to see you online again. Good to have you with us. How are your Wiki works coming along? Warm regards --Patricia 18:55, 27 January 2009 (UTC))

(Comment.gif: Hi Dr. Viswavathappa I am your neighbor Rima it'd be great to know you my recent project is in Computer_Education)


Contact-new.svg Dr. G.VISWANATHAPPA
Employer:National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
Occupation:Teacher Educator[1]
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Chela5808 .
This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.


--- Dr. G. Viswanathappa is a teacher educator employed with National Council of Educational Research and Training(NCERTlink title) ,New Delhi and is currently posted at Regional Institute of Education, Mysore, India as an Associate Professor in Education.


Educational Technology, Mathematics Education, Statistics in Educational Research, Psychometry, ICT in Education and Models of Teaching


  1. I love Data base Soffware. I am competent in SPSS, MS Excel, MS Access and Multimedia Software.
  2. I have conducted training programmes to DTERT and CTE staff of Tamilnadu on the Utilisation of SPSS Software package.
  3. I have conducted a training programme on the Utilisation of SPSS software to the IASE, CTE and SCERT staff of Andhra Pradesh
  4. I have conducted in-house interaction programmes on Using of SPSS Software.
  5. I am also involved in the preparation of tutor on utilization of SPSS software.

Now of course I am very much interested in wiki and will certainly contribute to wikieducator for realizing its mission "We're turning the digital divide into digital dividends using free content and open networks". I am very happy to be here. I am sure you too.


Proposed to undertake following interactive content development Projects

  1. On line workshop on e-Learning for Secondary Teachers of Andhra Prades by using WE[[2]]
  2. Project on ICT in Education content for Graduate and Post Graduate Students[[3]]
  3. Project on preparation of e-content on Evaluation of Learning
  4. Project on preparation of e-content on Methodology of Teaching Mathematics
  5. Project on preparation of e-content on Research Methodology in Education
  6. Project on preparation of e-content on Statistics in Educational Research
  7. Project on preparation of e-content on Models of Teaching
  8. Project on preparation of e-content on Teaching Skills
  9. Project on using of Flash for Animations


Research Projects Undertaken (Principal Investigator):

  1. Impact of SOPT Training Programme on Classroom Practices in Karnataka (NCERT Sponsored Research Project)
  2. Impact of State Resource Group (SRG) Training Programme on Teachers’ Classroom Practices and Learners’ Achievement in DPEP Districts of Andhra Pradesh(NCERT Sponsored Research Project)
  3. Study of Effective and Ineffective School Education Committees (SECs) and their Impact on Enrolment, Retention and Achievement in DPEP Districts of Andhra Pradesh (NCERT Sponsored Research Project)
  4. Effectiveness of e-Content on Concept Attainment Model over teaching competency at Secondary level
  5. Study on Dropout rate at Secondary Level in Andhra Pradesh” (NCERT Sponsored Research Project)

Research Projects Undertaken (Co-Investigator):Italic text

  1. Impact of Early Childhood Care and Education on Primary Schooling – a DPEP Research Study in Andhra Pradesh (NCERT Sponsored Research Project)
  2. An Occupational and Manpower Need Assessment Survey of Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh (NCERT Sponsored Research Project undertaken by RIE, Mysore and PSSCIVE, Bhopal)

Ph. D. Guidance

Guided the following Ph.D Thesis:

1. English Language Competence of Teachers’ and Students Achievement in English Medium Primary Schools of Kannur District (Mr. Umer Farooque, SLP)

2. Evaluation of Dharma Division Curriculum Offered by Prapariyattitham Institutions in Thailand(Mr. Phrakruvisistasanatorn Jumpa )

3. An Evaluation of the Basically Collective Non-formal Education Programmee in Thailand (Mr. Phramaha Worawath Kewphong )

4. Effect of Synectics Model of Teaching on Creativity, Problem Solving Ability and Attitude Towards Science at Secondary Level (Mr. M.S. Prashanth)

5. Influence of Knowledge in Content and Pedagogy over Teaching Competence in Mathematics among Primary School Teachers of Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh ( Mr. P. Lakshmi Narayana)

6. Effectiveness of School AIDS Education Programme (SAEP) on Promoting Health Behaviour among Secondary School Students of Calicut district in Kerala (Rages John)

Guiding the following Ph.D Thesis

7. Effectiveness of Instructional Package based on Constructivist Approach for the Development of Meta-Cognitive Skills among Student teachers at Secondary Level (Baby, A.)

8. Effectiveness of Constructivism on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Abilities in Mathematics at Secondary Level (Mr. T. Shiva Prasad Reddy)

9. Design and validation of ICT infused Curriculum for Methodology of Teaching Mathematics at Secondary Level (Mrs. Angel Ratnabhai)

10. Effectiveness of Constructivist Approach on Science Process Skills at Sec. Level

11. Guiding 5 M.Phil candidates of Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Madhurai Kamaraj University, Madhurai and Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad

12. Adjudicator of Ph.D thesis in Education of the following Universities:

    • Pandit Ravisankar University, Raipur (Chattisgarh);
    • Alagappa University,Karaikudi;
    • Madras University, Chennai;
    • Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur;
    • Karnataka University, Dharwar
    • Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirapalli.

List of Publications


  1. Impact of SOPT Training Programme on Classroom Practices, Journal of Indian Education, May 2000.
  2. Scenario of English Medium School in Kerala – Journal of International Educator, Vol.17 No.1 – June 2005
  3. Attitude towards Teaching and Teaching Competence – Edutacks Vol.4, No.12, August 2005
  4. Development of Criterion Referenced Test – Journal of Pedagogical Sciences Vol.V No.2 ( Journal of M.G. University, Kottayam)
  5. Influence of Parental Occupation on Learners Achievement in English Medium Primary Schools of Kerala (Journal of Guidance and Research)
  6. Teaching Competency of Primary Schools Teachers with Various Qualifications – A Comparative Analysis (Journal of Edutraks)


Academic Consultancy

  1. Resource person to Orientation Courses and Refresher Courses of UGC – Acedemic Staff College of Bharattidasan University, Tiruchirapalli and Bharattiar University, Coimbatore.
  2. Resource Person to the Extension Lectures Programme of Department of Education, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantpur and Tumkur University, Tumkur.
  3. Resource Person to Extension Lecturers to Diploma in Video Production Course of Bharattidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
  4. Chairman, Board of Studies for PG Diploma in Educational and Vocational Guidance, Periyar University, Salem, TN.
  5. Member, Faculty Council in Education, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka.
  6. Member, Board of Studies in Education for P.G.Courses of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli and Sri Krishnadevaraya Universtiy, Anantpur.
  7. Member, Board of Examination for PG courses of University of Mysore, Mysore; Mangalore University, Mangalore; Karnataka University, Dharwad; Tumkur University, Tumkur; Karnataka State Open University, Mysore; Sri Padmavathi Mahila University, Tirupathi; Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur;; Bharattiar University, Coimbatore, and Bharatiidasan University, Tiruchirapalli. Editor for Video Scripts for MANA TV Channel of Andhra Pradesh.
  8. Member in the Planning Committee for the Utilisation of Education Technology in Distance Education of Andhra Pradesh Open School Society, Hyderabad


Please add your username here: --Nellie Deutsch 14:45, 30 January 2009 (UTC)