User:Smitashukla/smita shukla 4

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SLMtitle.png Syllabus Economics

SLMobj.png Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you are expected to learn about:

SLMinto.png Introduction

Economists consider that objectives of business firms are various and vary accordance with the nature of market’ In economic literature prominent objectives of firm are following 1Maximisation of profit. 2 Maximization of sales revenue. 3 Maximization of growth rate 4 Maximization of managerial utility function. 5 Long run Survival and larger market share. Conventional theory of firm assumes profit maximization is sole objective of business firm, how ever recent researcher on this issue reveal that modern corporations pursue multiple objectives. The main factor behind the multiplicity of the objectives is the separation of management from the ownership.

Nature and Scope of Economics



Icon casestudy.gif
Case Study
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SLMact.gif Activity
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SLMsaq.gif Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) {{{n}}}

SLMsum.png Results

MU KEY.jpg Key Terms

Icon activity.jpg

Extension exercise

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SLMref.png References and Bibliography

SLMref.png Further Readings