Citing sources

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This lesson plan was developed by the participants of the Library and Information Literacy Pilot Project, spearheaded by the School Library Services of Trinidad and Tobago.


Intellectual property issues


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Students will be able to *Accurately cite sources from different media

Prior knowledge

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Basic idea about
  1. Copyright and intellectual property
  2. Different sources of information.

Intelligences addressed

  • Linguistic
  • Visual
  • Musical
  • Logical-mathematical

Set induction

Play music of a popular artist using 2 CDs; one original and one pirated. Question: Do you notice any differences in the packaging of the CDs? How can you identify original material.

Strategies/ Questions to guide learning

  1. Why do you need to know this information?
  2. Show different media and explain how copyright affects them all
  3. How to locate the different pieces of information neede for bibliographies e.g.recording year of publication, place, company etc.

Instructional focus/ content sequenced

MLA format sequence of recording of information



  • all formats
  • CDs
  • AV room/ Library

Description of activity / Instructional activities/ Methodology

  1. Give students different media to compile bibliography
  2. Prepare sample to present to class
  3. Create activity sheet; e.g.filling the blanks
  4. Compare and contrast different media

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  • Verbal
  • Writtten as a paper
  • Activity sheet

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Importance of citing information. Know the difference between original work and copies. It involves money and jail.

Integration with

  • Visual and performing arts
  • Computer studies
  • Social studies

Follow up activities

Make bibliographic items available in the library.