User:Satarupa/Temp/Management- science or art.doc

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Management - Science or Art

Is Management art or science or both

Management as Science

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Definition of Science is

It is a systematized body of knowledge pertaining to specific field of study based on cause & effect relationship between two or more variables. Any subject which is scientifically developed & consists of universally accepted principles is Science.

From the definition we can say features of science are –

  1. Science is a systematic approach
  2. Science has got universally accepted principles.
  3. It establishes relationship between cause & effect.
  4. Its results come accurate & effective since its based on well defined proved experiments.

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Can management be considered as Science?

If we go by the above features then Management can not be called Exact Science because it doesn’t fulfill all the above conditions. Rather it can be called Behavioral Science. It is because Management deals with human beings & behavior of human beings are hardly predictable & subject to change from time to time.

So Unlikely Physics, Chemistry Management is a different kind of science not pure one.

Peter F. Drucker has rightly said:

“Management can never be an exact science.”

Management as an Art

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Definition of Art is

The application of the knowledge & skill for achievement or a desired goal. It involves practical knowledge along with personal skill.

From the definition we can say features of Art are –

  1. Practical knowledge
  2. Specialized personal skill
  3. Based on experience, attitude & interest
  4. Can be improved through practice
  5. Creates congenial atmosphere & develop further interest.

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Can management be considered as Art?

Since the word art means the practical application of acquired knowledge. It determines the way of performing activities & accordingly achieves the desired result by performing the activities. Management as an art cannot be compared to any fine arts like music, painting or singing. Management deals exclusively with people whose behaviors are not exact.

Management is both a Science & an Art

From the above all the discussions so far we can come to a view that Management is not only Science or only Art rather a combination of both. Following points can be referred:

  • Management has a separate systematized knowledge. It has a subject matter of it’s own that can be passed through teaching learning process. But it is Multidisciplinary, it has borrowed its subject matter from the various source.
  • Like Science Management also has its own principles which are based on proper observations & conclusions but aren’t scientific.
  • Predictions & verification of results are less accurate in Management compared to Science.

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Management constituting properties of both art & science is a Social, inexact, soft science.

According to Dean Stanley F. Teele; management is a mixture of art & science.” The present ratio is about 90% art & 10% science. I’m willing to venture a guess that by the end of another generation, the ratio will be 80% art & perhaps 20% science.”

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