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TAARA - Purchase Order Module


This is brief guide to the end user for the Purchase Order module of 'TAARA' Health Care application.


The workflow of the purchase order module is shown in the following figure.


PO Conditions

Note the following conditions while working with the PO module.

  • In the puchase order module, you can raise POs to suppliers that you have added to the database.
  • Purchase orders have to be approved before sending to the supplier.
  • Based on the configuration settings, either a PO can be automatically approved or you can go the screen "Approve" to approve the PO.
  • Only an administrator can approve a PO.
  • Stock can be received only against an approved PO.
  • Stock received should be received by the administrator. Only then the stock quantity will be updated in the database.

PO Statuses

In the table below, you can find the list of statuses a PO can be in and the corresponding situations.

PO Status Description
Pending When a PO is raised, it has the ‘Pending’ status
Approved A PO in ‘Pending’ status is approved by the administrator before it is sent to the supplier. Now, the status of the PO is ‘Approved’. Stocks can be received against an approved PO only.
Received When all stock has been received against a PO, it shall be in the ‘Received’ status


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