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Contact-new.svg Professor/Dr Brian A Rothbart
Employer:International Academy RPT
Occupation:Head of Research
Flag of USA.svg USA
Languages:English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal

I have spent over 45 years in Clinical Practice and Research unraveling the link between abnormal foot structure, postural distortions and the development of chronic musculoskeletal pain. I have also developed an innovative proprioceptive therapy to reverse the postural distortions and the resulting chronic pain.

The core of my research findings suggest that foot hyperpronation is the primary pathomechanical event that results in postural distortions. 

• Two inherited foot structures - Primus Metatarsus Supinatus (aka Rothbarts Foot) and the PreClinical Clubfoot Deformity - are the most common cause of abnormal (gravity drive) foot pronation

• Abnormal pronation results in distorted signals being sent to the cerebellum which, in turn, results in global postural distortions.