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Portfolio Activity

  • Reflect on your own prior experience with learning design - what methods and approaches have you used? Have you used any aspects of any of the models described here?
  • Reflect on how you might use any of these models in future and how they might be effective.
  • Outline ways in which you worked collaboratively with or consulted others.
  • Reflect and record brief notes on how effective the collaboration was and how you might go about it differently next time.

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Portfolio Activity

  • Reflect on ways in which you have been involved in any way in educational quality assurance processes.
  • Record brief notes on how effective they were and how they might be applied differently in future.
  • Investigate your organisation's policies for staff development, and quality assurance.

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Portfolio Activity

  • Choose at least two dimensions of reflective practice, including one that is unfamiliar to you, and explore the material.
  • For one dimension - describe how you are already using the strategy in your reflective practice and what this involves.
Reflect on whether this strategy have helped you to improve your practice, and why.
  • For the second dimension - discuss how you might use the strategy in the future.
Why do you believe that this strategy could strengthen your practice and develop your capability?
  • Share your portfolio work on the Moodle discussion forum.