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Contact-new.svg Mariana Ben Yosef
Employer:Ort Gutman High School
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This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Nelliemuller .

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How to succeed on the English Bagrut exam

We all want to succeed in the English Bagrut exam but some of us don't know how and that is my reason for writing this essay. To pass this exam in the best way, we have to do a lot of little things for our brains- A student who wants to succeed has got to calm down before even starting answering the questions. In addition, many different researches have made me come to a conclusion that every person has his or her own way of calming down and starting to think positively.

Succeeding in the English Bagrut exam is simply using your brains but when you are stressed, your brain does not do its best and you don't think logically so why even start to stress when you already know it does not contribute to your final grade? The biggest problem comes when a student knows that his stress does not contribute to his grade but he is not able to relax... so before running to psychologists, let me save you some money by telling you to take the following steps: pay attention to the questions you are asked and breathe! How can your brain function when you are stressed and forget to breathe? Moreover, eat before the exam - you are supposed to give your brain all it needs because your brain is your tool for success. Nevertheless, don't forget you are about to do a simple exam in English and it is an exam you can do all over again- it is not like you are about to make a huge step in your life. Last but not the least, thinking about someone you love will always make you feel happy and positive-positive thinking is a thing we all need to have when we are about to take any step in our lives.

In conclusion, stress does not contribute when it comes to reaching the fruits of success. Stress only makes it difficult for the brain when the brain wants to think and answer logically so try to avoid stress as much as you can. The English exam is a simple test you can do again so try to do it the best you can and remember that if you make a mistake you can learn from it for next time.=] (Comment.gif: nicely written!!! --Nellie Deutsch 21:43, 25 February 2009 (UTC))

comparison between a driving test and English bagrut

If you'll think about it, all the important exams we do makes us feel many emotions such as anxieties, sweat, head aches and more symptoms we don't want to feel and may not help add to the exam in the best way. That fact is true about any exam we do- from the English bagrut to a driving test. The English bagrut and the driving test have a lot of things in common although it does not seem like it.

The English bagrut is important for each student- every student cares about the grade on their English bagrut because it has an influence on whether we get into college we apply to and by that, it affects our futures- 85% of the people get independent or more independent when they go to college since they learn how to make their own food and more. Just like the English bagrut, the driving test also has an influence on our futures- if we pass the driving test, we will get to a place we want to go and it helps us get more independent because we are responsible if we show up in a place or not. However, the English bagrut is an exam we do at school and it is a written exam and the driving test is a practical exam- you have a tester watching how you drive and by watching how you drive he decides if you are capable of having a diver's license and become a driver.

In conclusion, the English bagrut and the driving test have both, differences and similarities. However, in my opinion, I think the English bagrut and the driving test have more similarities than differences since they are both important exams and most of the people in Israel do them and want to do the best they can to pass them. In addition, I think people should not take those exams too seriously because they will start to stress and as we all know- stress does not help, it only makes us have a bad time while we do the exam instead of having fun as we should.

Nicely put!! --Nellie Deutsch 22:25, 25 January 2009 (UTC)


There has been a belief that animals can predict earthquakes for centuries. More over, Historians recorded that animals, including rats and snakes, left their homes days before the earthquake started although now days, seismologists have no way of knowing exactly when or where the earthquake will occur. In addition, an estimated 500,000 earthquakes occur in the world each year and only 100,000 can be felt by humans and 100 cause many kinds of damage.

Japan is a county where most of the earthquakes occur, a fact that made the devastation toke place simply because the earthquake caused an enormous damage to both, personal and governmental property and that is one of the reasons why Researchers there have long studied animals in hopes of discovering what they hear or feel before the Earth shakes in order to use that sense as a prediction tool. However, the Americans seismologists are very skeptical about the animal-earthquake theory. The American say's that there is no connection between the animal's behavior and the earthquakes coming up even though there have been documented cases of strange animal behavior prior to earthquakes.

In conclusion, I think there is a straight connection between the animal's behavior and earthquakes because I sow documented cases on T.V where the animals had a strange behavior before an earthquake toke place. More over, I think that all of the who can donate money to the animal-earthquake theory most start donating and fast because the one of the things that global worming is causing are earthquakes and earthquakes causes personal and governmental damage and worst- It kills people

About me

My three wishes

Everyone wants a good happy life but sometimes we don't get what we want and even though we worked hart to get something sometimes we just don't get it. In addition, we all reach a point in our lives when we brake down and hope for some gold fish to appear and give us three fishes. More over, we want those wishes to be unlimited so we could pick every wish we would like.

If I had three wishes I'd like the first one to be a "fat" bank account – so "fat" I could bay each one of my family members a mansion, fill it with furniture and buy each one of them a car. My second wish would be to have a great healthy family of my own: three healthy kids and a funny husband. The third wish would be to have a four more wishes. =]

In conclusion, we all want wishes to make our lives easier but easy get boring after a while. More over, I think that if we have all we want at a young age there would be no reason to live no more. In addition, I think that wishes most be given but not to people at our age- they need to be given to over age 60 because they are old and they need to leave this world with a feeling they have reached something.


Problems with listening in class are very rare, at least in my class... The reasons for these problems are many- foe example: many students in one class, students who can lose concentration very quick and sometimes it's even the teachers fault. As mentiontiond, the reasons are many and they all need to come to a solution as sone as possible so we could overcome these obstacles and reach to a better "listening level" in all classes.

First, we have to reduce the number of students in one class beacuse the fact that we have 40 students in one class increase the possebilety of listening priblems to apear. Second, we have to notice if we have student's problems with concentration . Third, I think all teachers must think of ways to make the students listen such ass making the lesson interesting by making it funnier and more related to the student's lives.

In conclusion, listening is a problem in class is very rare in these days. The good news are that we have solution to this problem and at least reduce the level of the obstacles and by that reduce the level of the listening problems in class. More over, when we have a problem we have to admit we have one, think and find solutions and execute them.

The greatest invention

Work was invented years ago and with the job came a thing called "free time" and people iggerly* wanted to fill those free hours beacuse they had nothing so they invented hobbies. Now days, hobbies inclode many different subjects. The most populer inventionis the T.V.

The T.V is a box made of plastic and inclodes a screen made of glass on one side of the box and throw the screen we can see moving pictures. The T.V made a revolution in almost every aspect in our lives. Throw the T.V we can watch and learn different things beacuse the T.V inclodes many different channels which inclode different topics.

Throw watching T.V we can learn about different coltures, beautiful sites in the whole world and even learn different languages. More over, there are political channels which gives us the opprotunety to know every time when there elections, who the condidates are and what are they offering us, what will we get if we elect them and all that without out of our houses! In addition, when we have a T.V we can know what happens in the whole world and sometimes even live- we can see what happens out side while we are sitting in our coach. I think it is amazing to know what happens in one place without even being in the place.

in conclution, I think that the T.V is the greatest invention among other great inventions invented in the last sentury. The T.V offers us to expend our knowledge, see new things and learn about new inportent things. More over, the T.V gives us the oprotunety to see things and events in te whole world without even getting out of our houses.


Welcome to the Good Life


(Comment.gif: Record your project today!! Here is the information on how to do it.--Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch 11:57, 26 December 2008 (UTC) ) Please go into the following page on wikieducator and learn about the layout of the written Bagrut project and how to present your work. --Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch 10:00, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

Front Page

name of project

Welcome To The Good Life


We all aim for a good life but not a lot of people are born with specific instruction of how we should have a good life and that is where my research question comes- What should we do to have a good life? To answer my question I did a survey- I asked three groups of people what they think makes life good. Every group included 15 members each. The first group included ages 15-25, the second group included ages 29-39 and the last group included ages 45-55 and to insure that I'll receive all the possible answers to my research question, I did an interview with my 67 year old grandmother. After finishing both, interviewing my grandmother and conducting the survey, I noticed different answers and the reason for that is simply because people have different points of views. I chose the question because if there is a possibility of me living a good life, then I want to live it! Don't get me wrong... I love my life, but if there is a chance of me improving it and teaching others how to improve their lives or even change their lives completely if they are in a bad situation, it will be my pleasure! I searched a lot to know what we should do to have a good life and some of the things I found were things that I already knew like doing sports and I knew that eating greens are healthy for our bodies, but I didn't know that it can improve the way we think, raise our grades and makes us think positive.


There are a lot of ways to define a good life, if you ask different people what a good life means, you will get different answers. Some will say that a good life is when you have money, others will say that you have a good life when you are around people you love and around people who love you such as family and friends. Basically, we all just want to be happy and different things make many different people happy and satisfied. Most people want to live a good life, but they don't do anything to achieve that will or worst; some people just don't know how to achieve a good life. Science seems to suggest that if we are healthy, we live a good life. But is that enough? What should we do to have a better life?

To answer my question I did a survey- I asked three groups of people what they think makes life good. Every group included 15 members each. The first group included people aged 15-25, the second group included ages 29-39 and the last group included ages 45-55 and when I asked each person out of each group my research question, they thought a lot before they answered and even when they did they were not sour and that is why I came to the following conclusion: it does not matter what your age is because at the end of the story everybody want a good life- we want and need love, friends and sometimes even money to have a good, long and stress less life.

Since I am not a professional at conducting surveys, I decided to search on the internet what should you do to have a good life and I reached many new, different, and interesting facts. You work and study hard to have a good life, but that is not only what good life is about. To have a good life, we don’t have to make a huge change in your lives. You have to change many little things that keep you down. First, you have got to make "free time" and fill it with hobbies and not be afraid to do all the things you like- from football to ballet and do them at least once a week and at a specific hour and not let anything pervert you from doing what we love. Moreover, you have to eat healthy meaning eat at least 5 colors of vegetables because they improve the way you think and the way you feel so if you're mad or feeling down, eat a carrot, try to stay away from refined food, eat all of the nutrients daily and dietary fibers which do not suggest in the human body but closes your appetite and helps prevent diseases and eat all 7 major food groups so your body will reach balance. In addition, a very important thing that you have to do is "chill", stay away of things that make you nervous because when you are nervous it affects your mood and tires your brain which causes a shortage of physical and mental energy.

Travel once a year to places you have never been to with people you love and while you are there don't think of your work or school; just relax and feel your mind get clearer. Walk twice a week when each walk is at least half an hour long. Moreover, international researches say that 60% of the women feel better when they buy something new for themselves. The most important thing you should do is give your society a bit of yourself; sometimes even a smile could make someone's day =].


In conclusion, you are not born with a good life; a good life is a thing that you should aim for and reach eventually. The least of what you have to do to achieve a good life is to choose hobbies and the hobbies have to include all the things you love. Nevertheless, you are what you eat meaning if you eat bad food, you feel bad and if you eat good food that gives your body what it needs, makes you feel great. The bottom line is that if your body is not healthy then neither is your soul. You have to listen to your body because your body ise begging you to treat it right and that treatment has to include a healthy diet and sports. Most of the time, many people at all ages want the same things such as love, money or friends because they think those things make life good and full of joy.

(Comment.gif: Excellent research. You just need to cite where you got the information in the body of your work. --Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch 14:42, 27 December 2008 (UTC))


Feedback: Trying to answer my question was very complicated and a bit hard because good life is a huge subject; it is like talking about politics- it includes a lot of things. I found it hard to do my project because on the one hand, I wanted it to be perfect but on the other hand, I didn't have a lot of time because I had a lot of exams in other subjects assignments. However, I had a lot of fun doing the project because I found my question really interesting and I did almost anything in order to find some answers. Nevertheless, my question has a lot of different answers and I have to admit that some of the answers were things I already knew but there were many little things I had no idea could help us reach a better life, for instance- smile to your self when you look at the mirror. During the process I realized that we should not take life seriously and we have got to look at the bright side of life and at the good thing we have because if we don't our lives will become pointless and we might close doors that might lead to happiness. Moreover, I heard that money doesn't mean happiness and that the best things in life are free!!


(Comment.gif: Don't forget to add your reflection --Nellie Deutsch 19:06, 28 February 2009 (UTC))

Trying to answer my question was very complicated and a bit hard because good life is a huge subject; it is like talking about politics- it includes a lot of things. I found it hard to do my project because on the one hand, I wanted it to be perfect but on the other hand, I didn't have a lot of time because I had a lot of exams in other subjects assignments. However, I had a lot of fun doing the project because I found my question really interesting and I did almost anything in order to find some answers. Nevertheless, my question has a lot of different answers and I have to admit that some of the answers were things I already knew but there were many little things I had no idea could help us reach a better life, for instance- smile to your self when you look at the mirror. During the process I realized that we should not take life seriously and we have got to look at the bright side of life and at the good thing we have because if we don't our lives will become pointless and we might close doors that might lead to happiness. Moreover, I heard that money doesn't mean happiness and that the best things in life are free!!

Mariana, please add this to the project page by copying and pasting it.--Nellie Deutsch 20:30, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Bibliography‎ (Comment.gif: I am not sure about the images. How are they connected to the bibliography? --Nellie Deutsch 19:07, 28 February 2009 (UTC))
