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Contact-new.svg Justin Turner
Employer:Eastern Institute of Technology
Occupation:3rd Year Bachelor of Computing Student
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand

About me

I am born and bred in Napier, an attended Napier Boys High.

In 1998 I moved to London to see the rest of the world, after spending 13 years in Europe and travelling round I decided to return back to the mighty Napier.

I am currently in my final year of Bachelor of Computing Systems at EIT with the hope of graduating at the end of the year.

My interests are V8 cars, Harley Davidson motorcycles, Horror movies and Tattoos, so far I have nearly 100 hours worth of tattoos with still more to come.

I am passionate about 3D animation and have enjoyed using Blender and Maya software.

My interesting links

Favorite Tattooist:

My Best Influence

Jamie Sutton is the best influence in my life, he is super awesome. Lordtopcat (talk) 20:38, 9 March 2016 (UTC) Hell no you are Jamie, I am Krishna Haerewa!

Blog RSS Feed

VmvIcon NZ.png


I had Malcolm test my site and leave feed back: Name: Malcolm Email: Website: http://none Comment: I like how the website is simple and uncluttered. I especially like the crimson on black and grey. Awesome. The step...
— justinsblog2016 2016-06-02 05:48:44
Possible improvements and future extensions
The next recording of a tutorial i will use a USB webcam, with the assignment i could only use the webcam on my laptop as did not have access to a better camera. Also maybe a narrative to go along with the video recording, yet i think it is a lot...
— justinsblog2016 2016-05-11 21:23:45
Project plan
I have followed the initial proposal by creating video’s of each step, along with detailed explanations and photos of key points. I took into consideration the feedback provided by Micheal regarding the flow diagram and have added a tro...
— justinsblog2016 2016-05-11 21:21:52
Teaching and learning effectiveness
I think the learning by use of video along with pictures is a great way to teach by using media the information should be easily absorbed, hopefully this keeps the user interested while also teaching them something useful. I think by having the st...
— justinsblog2016 2016-05-11 21:21:26

Cite from Wikipedia

Educational Technology (Digital Learning Technologies) is the effective use of technological tools in learning. 

APA Reference: Educational technology. (2016, March 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:24, March 16, 2016, from

Syntax Highlighter

Syntax highlighter function displays a section of source code as below:

<source lang="actionscript">
trace{"Hello World");
</ source>

Pedagogical template

Icon multimedia.gif
Adding a Pedagogical template
  • Pedagogical tamplate added