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Contact-new.svg Itzel Portal Santillán
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Employer:Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Occupation:ESL Educator
Other roles:teacher, learner, wife, daughter, etc.
Languages:Spanish & English
Skype address:itzel.portal

My profile

I am an EFL teacher educator at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes in Mexico. My teaching philosophy is to provide all EFL students with a variety of learning experiences in order for them to have the most practice of all strategies and techniques always conducted to problem solving and reflective thinking. By setting a safe classroom-environment where students feel motivated and confident to actively participate in class.

Professional background

I work as an ESL teacher at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes in Mexico. I worked for 3 years as an ESL teacher at the Universidad Panamericana campus Bonaterra in Aguascalientes, Mex. and for half year at the Universidad Metropolitana de Monterrey in Monterrey, Nuevo León in the same country. I am looking forward to being well prepared as an EFL teacher...


I studied a BA in English Language Teaching at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. I have a master in High Education by the Universidad Panamericana campus Bonaterra. I am currently studying a Diploma in Competences at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

My interests

Personal goals for this semester

related to becoming a better communicator of English

What I try to do is to take all chances to practice it. I try to watch t.v. in English and set all my electronic devices in English so I can get used to it.

related to pedagogy

Related to pedagogy I always try to get my students' feedback so I can adapt classes and lessons, to the students' needs.

I also try to plan dynamic classes by using technology.

Sharing is another tool that helps me to incorporate new strategies in my teaching.

related to how languages are learned

I love all related to teaching and learning specially a second language, I think there are many ways to learn a language and there is not a best one. The best one is the one that suits you according to your needs.


I'm a 26 year old teacher, wife, swimmer and piano player. I love my life and I am a religious person

My wiki projects

  • Itzel, see if you can figure out how to create an internal link (hypertext) to our academic writing class. I would include it in this section. --Benjamin Stewart 18:09, 4 August 2010 (UTC)

Academic Writing

| Academic Writing class

Foreign Language Program

| Foreign Language Program

My optional community service (learning contract) project

100px-L4C-small.png  Agreement
By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddy. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
Brief description of project
<Enter a brief description of the content resource or WikiEducator project you would like to work on here>
Target date for completion
<Specify the target date for completion --- you choose the date which can be after the completion of this workshop>.
 <Login and with the rich text editor click on the "Insert signature" button above: Signature button RTE.png.>

External Links







Practice Area

My Sandbox

My sandbox