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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

Future Ideas

  • RQs
  1. To investigate the relationship between social presence, cognitive operations, and learning outcomes in RN OLFs
  2. To investigate the impact of online mentoring on learning outcomes in RN OLFS

  • To develop OER for HIV AIDS Treatment Literacy
  1. Concept
  2. Learning objectives & outcomes
  3. Target Audience
  4. Identify challenges and issues pp. face
  5. Invite participants to apply to create content
  6. Select participants for pilot
  7. Conduct Wiki Training
  8. Participants set up their Wiki User Pages and start trying it out
  9. Participants start reflective journals/blogging.
  10. Team building online - generate group shared spirit. Address group concerns. Develop process together.
  11. Curriculum development - content and process for online course:
  • what is curriculum?
  • how do we design a curriculum - compare examples, experiment, deconstruct, develop criteria, do micro-curriculum planning
  • when and for whom?
  1. What do we know and need to know about treatment literacy?
  • Group mini research and personal experience projects
  1. Group assembles content - tasks
  2. What skills need to be taught to the target audience (e.g cmty radio program managers) to become effective at their job and teach them how to bring health messages through media
  3. Methodologies- group to review learning styles, approaches, teaching vs. learning, how to work with participants' experience, etc.

+ WHat makes a good online self-study curriculum? + Group micro-training {Part I}

  1. Process micro-training - self and peer evaluation

+ Learning cycle + Theory Focus + Context

  1. Micro-training 2

+ Feedback + Review

  1. Assignment - develop a curriculum in small groups

- Online learning to present their proposals - Peer review

Infused by online guest lectures by treatment literacy specialists.

Organizations, Partners

  • COL

Granting / Funding Organizations

(i.e., for initiative, project, programme development)