User:Girija60/My sandbox

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I recommend four levels of evaluation strategies for any curriculum in general for a given course be it formal education or distance education.Evaluation strategies are a set of deterministic rules followed to assess an expression under consideration. Evaluation strategies are divide into two groups, strict and non-strict, based on how arguments to an expression are handled. Therefore, it is real challenge to the open and distance education system to follow a specific evaluation strategy. However, it is necessary to emphasize that the basic evaluation strategy involves the model proposed by Kirkpatrick Model (1979). For any training or instructions given there exist five levels of evaluation.Level1: is concerned with the measurement of people’s immediate attitudes to the training provided. Level2: is concerned with measuring the learning achieved as a result of the training . The second level could be evaluated by encouraging social interaction during the contact programme in the concerned subject. Edwards (1996) suggested that encouraging the student participation in brain storming sessions enables them to learn better as it provides a back ground for peer interaction just to reassure them that others are suffering from the same problems as they are. Level3: is concerned with measuring how actual workplace performance has changed as a result of the training this could be done by inspecting the actual work performance by senior supervisors giving immediate feedback. The inspection to be followed up for improving better performance at work place. Level4: is concerned with measuring the extent to which changes in performance have contributed to improved learning results of the more effective achievement of learning objectives. At this level it is recommended to introduce compulsory on line objective based test to assess the student learning and checking the authenticity by identifying him through web camera similar to video conferencing or teleconferencing.