User:Geetikaarora/My sandbox

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My teaching Experience in CRPF School
It was an enriching experience.I enjoyed & remembered the moments as they really enhanced my learning & added new dimensions to my personsality. I received classes IX A for teaching Physics & IX B for teaching chemistry . When I was getting the time table , the time table incharge told me that class IX a was the most notorious class . Hence took it as a challenge to accept it. It was such an enriching experience that all thetudents in the first class made instant rapport as I asked them certain questions as What is the day today ? What is the date today? When they answered I made them realised that this day will never come back & we need to prove our worth? They really cooperated with me & till now get their emails & calls. I learned the pedagogy, an encouraging suport to learn from my mistakes. I have a lot to add which is an ending thought encouraging process. yadav / aggarwal/my batchmate experience