User:Dulce Maria Padilla/Academic writing notes

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Motivation in the English classroom

Problem Statement

The problem is to show how motivation differs from children to adults that are learning English.

Purpose Statement

The aim of this topic is to realize if children motivation differs from adults motivation and how this affect the learning process.

Research Questions

  • How teachers can motviate students in the language classroom?
  • Why adults feel motivated?
  • Why children are motivated?
  • What is teacher's role in motivation?

Annotated Bibliography

First we have to star with the reference according to APA style.
Then we write a small paragraph.
• Evaluate the background of the person.
• Who is the audience?
• Compare or contrast this work with another author.
• Explain how this work helped me to prove my point (what value does it have)

Steps to take into consideration for creating an annotated Bibliography

1. Evaluate the authority or background of the author.
2. Comment on the intended audience.
3. Compare and contrast work with another.
4. Explain how this work adds (value) to your bibliography.

• Six-eight sentences for each reference
• 10 references in total.
• No more than three websites: ideally three-three and four.
• Each reference should follow APA.

Annotated Bibliography 1

Reference: Rost, M (2006), Generating students’ motivation. Retrieved on October 22nd, 2010 from

This author has been a teacher for along 20 years. He has written articles and book about teaching training. The article focuses on teachers who are interesting in helping students to be motivated while they are learning English. This work attends to show how motivation affects students’ English development, and what teachers can do about it. The author mentioned that teachers have to take into consideration three important aspects; in contrast Patsy Lightbow mentioned that teachers can motivate their students creating an enjoyable environment in the classroom in order that English learning will meaningful. These works are useful for teachers who teach English or other foreign languages in order to realize which elements they need in order to motivate students in their learning, and make the learning process easy and enjoyable to them.

Annotated Bibliography 2
Reference: Ogle R. (2006), Students motivation in the the efl classroom. Retrieved on November 2nd, 2010 from

On the web was found that Richard Ogle is an associated professor from the University of North Carolina. He is the coordinator of the department of psychology in the same university. The article is for teachers that want to know what kind of activities can do in the classroom. In addition the article attends to exhibit some different options of activities that teachers can implement in the class and how to create a personal and interesting planning according to the group in order that students will be interested in the class. On the other hand Dorit Sasson mentioned that teachers need to be conscious about their attitude. Teacher has to be careful with what he/she says or does in class, because these aspects can affect students’ motivation and as a consequence the learning process can be affected. Both articles are very helpful because it brings some different points of view about what a teacher can and can’t do in class, what aspects should have to consider in order helping students instead of damaging them.

Annotated Bibliography 3
Reference: Gass, S. & Selinker, L. (2001) Second language acquisition an introductory course. United States: Lawrence erlbaum associates, Inc.

This article does not bring a view about the authors. The study is directed to teachers who desire to know if motivations does it really helps students to learn a new language. The article shows the role of motivation while students are learning a new language. On the other hand it shows that there are some different points of views about motivation. And finally it reflects that some studies shows that integrative motivation is better of a second language success than instrumental motivation, but of course this result vary depending from culture to culture. On the other hand this article can be compare with Rod Ellis idea about motivation, because for this author there are four types of motivation which can help students to improve their English abilities. This work value to my bibliography because it showed me that there are several types of motivation and that depending on students motivation can help them to improve their English skills.

Annotated Bibliography 4

Reference: Ellis, R. (1997) Second language acquisition, United States: Oxford University press.

Rod Ellis the author of this book is a professor in the University of Auckland New Zealand. This article is directed to Language students and teachers. The article talks about the four types of motivation that according to Ellis is important to take into consideration. Each type of motivation is explained in a brief and complete way in order that students can realize about which one of them or which of them students possessed while teacher can realize about which type of motivation does students have. In contrast, the article written by Dorit sasson differs from this idea. She mentioned that the two main types of motivation are just intrinsic and extrinsic. This work value to my bibliography because it is important to take into consideration which type of motivation should I consider important for me and my students in order that English learning be achieve.

Annotated Bibliography 5

Reference: Bartels,J.M. Magun-Jackson,S. & Ryan,J.J.(2010) Dispositional Approach-Avoidance Achievement Motivation and Cognitive Self.regulated learning: The mediation of Achievement goals. Vol.8, No 2, p.p. 97-110.

The authors from this article are from two different universities. Jared Bartels works in the department of psychology in Missouri while Susan Magun works at the University of Memphis. The article is for teachers who are interested in motivate students and to know how the lack of motivation can affect their learning process. The article gave a general view about the importance from teachers who play a significant role to students’ motivation in high levels. In contrast, the article written by Carole Ames and Jennifer Archer showed the different students’ perception about learning a language and how students’ motivation affects learning process, both articles are related. This article is important to my bibliography because it shows me some studies that as teacher I can do in order to know students motivation and in this way to care a little bit more about my students’ development.

Annotated Bibliography 6

Reference: Ames, C. & Archer, J. (1988) Achievement Goals in the Classroom: Students' Learning Strategies and Motivation Processes, Journal of Educational Psychology 1988, Vol. 80, No. 3,260-26.

Carol ames is professor at the University of Michigan. The article is for teachers who are interested in knowing the strategies that can apply during a class in order to motivate students. The article was based in how specific motivation is related in students’ performance and goals. In contrast the article written by Carole Ames focused on the classroom environment in order to achieve motivation goals. Both articles showed the role of motivation in achieving language. This work is important to my bibliography because it shows the role that teachers have in the classroom. On the other hand it mentioned also, some strategies that as teacher can implement in the classroom in order to motivate students.

Annotated Bibliography 7

Reference: Sasson D, (2007), How to motivate students teacher support for managing the learning process. Retrieved on November 2nd, 2010 from

Dorit Sasson the author of this article is an English teacher and a writer for the educational English market. The article is focused on teachers who are interested in knowing new ways in which they can motivate students. The article mentioned that there are two significant types of motivation intrinsic and extrinsic and a brief description about it. In addition the author enlists some strategies that teachers can use to stimulate students motivation, and also how the teacher attitude can affect students motivation and as a result the learning process. On the other hand, Patsy M. Lightbown in her book of how languages are learned agrees with Dorit’s point of view because she also mentioned that having a positive attitude affects students’ motivation. This article is very useful for me because it brings me a better view about the attitudes and the role that teachers need to have.

Annotated Bibliography 8

Reference: Cook, V. (2001) Second language learning and language teaching, New York, United States: Oxford University press Inc.

The author of this article is Vivian Cook. He is an applied linguistic teacher and he is better known for his research about L2 learning. The article is for teachers who desire to know how the role of teaching and motivation play an important role in students learning a second language. The article shows how not having any type of motivation students can find hard to learn a second language. Also, it mentioned that high motivation cause successful learning. In contrast Gass, Susan & Selinker Larry mentioned that motivation differs from one culture to another and what does it work in one class may not work in another. These articles are value for my bibliography because it showed me some different points about motivation the first one is that we need motivate or students in order to success and on the other hand we have to take into consideration an important factor like culture.

Annotated Bibliography 9

Reference: Wlodkowski, R. (1993) Enhacing Adults motivation to learn, San Francisco California, United Sates: Jossey-Bass Inc.

The author of this article, Raymond J. Wlodkowski is a University professor. He began teaching in elementary schools. The article is for teachers who work with young adults students. The article showed the importance that motivation has in the learning field. Motivation is related to scholar achievements and it is important that teachers know when students are motivated. By knowing when students are motivating things in the learning process go more easily. This point of view does not differ from others like Vivian cook that as Wlodkowski believes that while students are motivating exist a better successful in learning a new language. It is good to realize about the role of motivation which is very important to success in L2 learning.

Annotated Bibliography 10

Reference: Ames, C. (1992), Classroom: goals, structures, and student motivation Retrieved on November 2nd, 2010 from

The author of this article is Carole Ames. She is a professor at the University of Michigan. She has done some research about effects of classroom structure, competition and teaching practices on children’s motivation. This article focused on teachers who are interested knowing the classroom environment to achieve motivational goals. The article gives a general view about the importance of the classroom environment in order to motivate students. Also, it argued about classroom structures and how these structures affect motivation. This article is very value for my bibliography because it brings me a new idea about how classroom environment and structure can also affect students’ motivation.



Thesis Statment

Citation And Reference

If we used a quotation from web page we have to do it in the following way:

Ericksen (1978) mentions "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability ... to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place" (as cited in Davies, 1999).

And the reference we have to write it in the next way:


Davies, B. (1999). Movitating Students (italicize). Retrieved on September 7, 2010 from

Journal Reference Last name, firs inicial. year of the article(). title of the article non italicize First word capitalice. Name of the journal italicize volume, section. page numbers and the DOI.

Books References Last name, First inicial (year of the article). Title of the book italicize. Publish country: Publisher.
Book references: Give the title, edition, city of publication, and publisher.

where ther is not date we put (n.d)
If we have not author we start with the name of the article


Dulce, you were asked to add information to your notes page last week. You might add information pertaining to the types of research papers and/or article review tips that we worked on last week. --Benjamin Stewart 02:23, 12 October 2010 (UTC)

Brainstorming Literature Review

Use of L1 in the classroom
Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition
Third language acquisition
Achieving success in second language acquisition
Advantages of learning a second language
Problems with second language acqusition
The most common errors found among speakers of Spanish who are learning English

Academic Paper

Title page

Title of the paper
Author’s name
Running head

Abstract included:
The abstract is not indented
120 words.
All the text is justified.

Table of contest
Literature review (Introduction)
The heading of the literature review is the title of the paper.
The first word and every paragraph is indented (0.05 inches)

Method is the heading in the next section and we do not create a new page. We finished with the literature review double space and we put the title Method.
We have to include in this section the participants.
The instruments that we used (Questioners, Observations)

The next section after the method is called: The Results
Conclusion should be no more than one page (250 words more or less)
The conclusion is not a new section is part of the result section is not a separate heading.

In a new page we have the REFERENCES
The level one headings are the only ones in bold.