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My Learning4Content course home page



Today is February 19, 2012 and this is where I am going to begin my journey toward helping this world obtain and share intellectual property. Our system for educating society is evolving and though change is never easy, it needs to be embraced. All human beings should have an opportunity to live a happy and full life, a life that promotes exchange of ideas which helps developed a person's life. Our society has one the grandest opportunities in the history of civilization by sharing the power of an educated world.

A great challenge of the internet is to find and organize information, it seems that I have spent years doing searches on the internet for good educational content; secondly, my challenge was to organize the content that I found. I will reveal to you now that I did not do a good job of handling this challenge, I would get so much content that I eventually would overwhelm myself from learning anything. I had convinced myself that the technology was moving so fast that the next great idea was just around the corner and I needed to be there. I felt like I was flailing, no real objectives or goals, just this idea that finding more resources would give an osmosis effect, resources abound with no curriculum or plan to accomplish my learning path. My lack of focus wasted years of self development opportunities and moreover left me feeling like I was not capable of being a student again.

After losing my employment and getting married this past January, I really decide to start anew, I found that my lack of dedication and discipline was something that could be overcome, it was not something that was incurable, I was not physically ill and my mental languish was caused by my lack of structure. Education needs structure and discipline, you need to do the work and be consistent, trust me, I have tried the free lance, go it alone concept and what you end up with is disappointing results. Learning really comes from three distinct senses: visual, audible, and physical, these human learning sensors are distinctly different for everyone. I find that I need to have visual examples to re-enforce my learning tendencies, I simply can't just read and do unless I have experience in the subject. It is this characteristic that I need to understand about my learning process, because if I just read about a subjet without having the visual reinforcement, I lose focus of the content and feel overwhelmed.

I look forward to meeting a tremendous amount of great intellectual human beings on this new educational journey, I am of the complete belief that we all have something to offer society in very unique ways, it can seem like we live in a homogeneous world; moreover, the confusing messages of the media's visual impressions of everything really bad via news or the perfection and glamour of Hollywood. What is left out is the everyday people who just live a happy and content life, the everyday person is not a focus of the media because this group doesn't hold the same sensationalized message which seems to peak the human interest. My hope is that we have the greatest average society with unique individual greatest that is shared by all.

Share, Care, BE Happy!

Dan's head.jpg

--Dan Companion 22:17, 19 February 2012 (UTC)

My wiki projects

My optional community service (learning contract) project

100px-L4C-small.png  Agreement
By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddy. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
Brief description of project
<Enter a brief description of the content resource or WikiEducator project you would like to work on here>
Target date for completion
<Specify the target date for completion --- you choose the date which can be after the completion of this workshop>.
 <Login and with the rich text editor click on the "Insert signature" button above: Signature button RTE.png.>

Feedback and notes from my WikiNeighbours

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My Sandbox

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