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Contact-new.svg Cate Kelly
Cate Kelly.jpg
Employer:Batchelor Institute
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Wikirandy .


Me and my work

My working life is teaching in a Teaching and Learning team supporting pre-tertiary students, as well as undergraduates and their lecturers. I teach a short course in basic computing which, like most courses at BIITE is taught as two intensive one-week workshops.Batchelor Institute uses this delivery model because many of our students are living on remote bush communities where educational options are limited.

Partly due to this unusual model of workshop delivery, I'm interested in new models of tertiary learning and assessments, as well as language and culture, cognition and pop science.

Other lives

In my previous professional lives I have been a film/TV producer and a writer of television and interactive digital resources, so I have been working in digital media since around 1993. However I'm pretty slow on taking up new media now, due to pressure of teaching work. Signing on to this Content4learning workshop is an attempt to 'corral' some time to practice skills for learning and life.


I am interested in sharing thoughts/experiences about basic computing resources for adults, resources for students with little or no connectivity at home, evidence-based research on academic issues for students who have English as a second dialect or second (or other) linguaculture.

Personal interests

I devour movies (mostly on video because Alice Springs is a remote town with just one movie theatre). I read mostly thrillers as well as articles on current affairs and reviews. I'm a member of an Australian Afro-fusion choir singing freedom songs in and around the Alice festival.

My OER Repo page (draft only)/

My sandbox