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Hi everbody; My name is Benni Mayer and I am 17 years old.I live in munich and I visit the 11th grade of the GiselaGymnasium in Schwabing.Our chefteacher(whiteeagle) started this online projekt in order to help the pupils who didn't get everything in the lessons in the lessons.(we have many of them.I think it's a quite good idea but it's not my way of learning...



Also das is jetzt hoffentlich schonmal kursiv

Und das ist fett!!


x(t)= [math]x_0[/math] + v*t

[math]\Delta x[/math] = v* [math]\Delta t[/math]

v= [math]\frac {x}{t} [/math]

v= [math]\frac {x_1-x_0}{\Delta t}[/math]

[math]x_1[/math](t)= [math]x_2[/math](t)

[math]x_1+v_1*t = x_2+v_2*t[/math]

[math]x_1-x_2 = (v_2-v_1)*t[/math]

[math]t = \frac {x_1-x_2}{v_2-v_1}[/math] = [math]\frac {173m-25m}{28km/h-11km/h}[/math]


The Munich Oktoberfest: The Munich Oktoberfest,also known as Wiesn,is one of the best times of the year!The last 2 weeks were quite unhealthy,nevertheless im really sad that the Wiesn will end next sunday. I know,that this isn't a limeric,thats just an intersting text.

1.3:Arbeitsauftrag 19.10.07

b)Keine gleichförmige Bewegung, da die Geschwindigkeit des Fahrzeugs nicht konstant bleibt, sondern sich erhöht.


V=12m : 4s = 3m/s falsch

V=68,1m : 7,5s = 9,08m/s

V=93,6m : 9s = 10,4m/s

V=156,5m : 12,7s = 12,32m/s

V=178,6m : 14s = 12,76m/s

VDurchschnittsgeschwindigkeit = (3m/s + 9,08m/s + 10,4m/s + 12,32m/s + 12,76m/s) : 5 =9,512m/s falsch

1.7 Hürdensprung

x Ort (1) X(10s) = 4m/s x 10s X = 40m
(2) X = 40m +(-2,0 m/s) x 10s X = 20m
(3) X = 20m +(0 m/s) x 5s X = 20m
(4) X = 20m +(1 m/s) x 5s X = 25m
(5) X = 25m +(2 m/s) x 5s X = 35m
(6) X = 35m +(4 m/s) x 10s X = 75m
(7) X = 75m +(0 m/s) x 5s X = 75m
Antwort:Helena legt auf ihrem Pferd, insgesamt 75 meter zurück

Schön, dass Sie an der Lösung dieser Aufgabe gearbeitet haben!--White Eagle 12:14, 22 October 2007 (CEST)

graph (test)

Graph (mayer).gif


Mechanics11/ Page 3

Exercise 1.5

Cycle tour

Desiree and Marie cycle to the Plan Lake. They start their tour at 7am and arrive at 7pm home again. Along the street there are milestones. Each clock hour they note their position x .

a) Calculate the average speed for each time slice of one hour! Use the computation formula!

b) Describe the path of movement for each time slice with your own words? How could you construct that?

c) Calculate the average speed of the first four hours. How can you demonstrate it graphically.


1.Equation of motion

We derive a common equation of linear-constant movements.

Following to that:

With this you can for example calculate the current position at the end of the time slice, if you know point of the beginning x and the speed v. 1.motion equation:

It concerns of a liner equation. In mathematics we always write:

X is the indepandent and y the dependent variable.T is the so-called y-axisigment and m the upward gradient factor("gradient"). In the motion equation the independent variable of time is t, the place x depends on it. The velocity v is the upward gradient of the time-localstraight.

Exercise 1.6

Flight competition A buzzard has a flying competition against a falcon. the buzzard has an advantage of 14 km meted from the starting point, because with the speed of 95 km/h he is clearly slower than the falcon ( 153 km/h)


Where and what time does the falcon draws level with the buzzard?


Who wins the flightcompetition to the cross on the summit of the hörnle (40 km from the 
starting point)


Draw an applicative time-place diagramm.

Lösung für Aufgabe 3.8



Gegeben: [math]70\frac{km}{h}=19,4\frac {m}{s} t=0,2s[/math]

Lösung: [math]a=\frac {v}{t}=\frac{19,4\frac {m}{s}}{0,2s}=97,0\frac {m}{s^2}[/math]


Lösung: [math]\frac{F_b}{F_g}= \frac{m*a}{m*g}=\frac{97 \frac{m}{s^2}}{9,81 \frac{kg}{N}}= 9,9[/math]

Antwort: Der Fahrer erfährt das 9,9 fache seiner Gewichtskraft.

--Benni.m 12:59, 7 December 2007 (CET)


Ein Flomi der Masse m=40kg hängt an einer , an der Decke befästigten Schnur.Der Schwerpunkt des Flomi ist mit einem blöden Gesicht markiert.Wie hoch schwingt der Flomi wenn ein Faustschlag mit der Kraft 400N ,0.01s auf das Gesicht einwirkt?