Tip Collection

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Tips from Patricia:

  • re: Creating new pages entitled "Tip Collections:"

After you pasted the provided code Tip Collection in your Sandbox, use the back button to go to your main userpage, scroll down to look for a red link saying “Tip Collection” (you can rename of course), click on it. It opens a new empty page and now you cut/paste the tip or recommendation, you would like to save for later reference, again you save it below and you are down. The link is now no longer read when you look at your main user page, because you have entered text on that page. Aug 26, 2009

  • Creating Sandbox

You can create a sandbox by adding My sandbox on your page when in EDIT mode. Once you do that, save the page, click on edit and write-practice the skills you are learning from the tutorials. From Nellie Deutsch

  • Adding Colors (from Ramesh Sharma):

You can use the following codes when you edit your profile or a heading or a sectional text:

your pink text here

your text here

your text here

your text here

your text here

It is advisable that we see a preview of our work before we save it finally, although it can further be edited, even if you saved it. we can make changes any time, thats the power of this medium.

so, let's make the world more greener....!

photo gallery

Piped link text goes here

Piped link text goes here

If you are having problems with the formatting of your images floating over other elements in your page, try adding this syntax after your image:

