Who Looks After the Tutorial and the Quick Guide?

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While going through the tutorial and the quick guide I came across some parts that I wanted to improve on. As a newbie I am still worried about changing too much especially in things that would affect all users. In some cases I did make some changes and in others I only left a question or comment on the tutorial/guide's discussion page. I am not sure who I should consult or collaborate with for this. Would appreciate some advice. Thanks. --Maha (PinkSamurai) 22:36, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

PinkSamurai (talk)10:36, 3 June 2009

I agree Maha,

Soon we will be creating a workgroup in order to make a general revision & improving of all materiales related to the workshop. I invite you to collaborate with us in the process. You will receive a message shortly. Thank you very much for your interest. --Gladys Gahona 11:51, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)23:51, 3 June 2009

Thanks a ton Gladys. I will be looking forward to it.

PinkSamurai (talk)09:58, 4 June 2009

You have a lot of great ideas, Maha. I hope you consider being part of some workgroups. We're having a miniworkshop next week on OERs that might be of some interest to you.

Bnleez (talk)00:12, 4 June 2009

Thank you very much Benjamin, I would love to join both. I really appreciate the invitation.

PinkSamurai (talk)10:03, 4 June 2009