What are your thoughts on quality and open authoring?

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Do you have any concerns about the quality of educational resources developed using an open authoring approach? If so, what are your concerns? If not, how does an open authoring approach contribute to high quality learning materials?

  • I do not have any concerns about the quality of educational resources developed using an open authoring approach because even it is a very open way, you can always go back to check last changes or post comments or questions to clarify something that was changed and/or unclear for you. In addition, I think that you, as a wiki-user, have to keep an open attitude towards wiki because as you can edit other's people work you can also get edits on yours with the premise of enrichment.
  • I think that authoring approach contribute to high quality learning materials in the sense that everything is updated. Here in Mexico we usually have to wait 5 years for English books to be translated to Spanish therefore we are 5 years behind what is current. Let us say that English speakers have the opportunity to get the updated information, because they can get books first in English, etc. Thinking about those English books, there should be time to be printed out and edited, and one more time we are waiting for them to be published. Using wiki, specially in wiki educators, we have the opportunity to write it as we think about it, or edit it from our point of view or from what we are experiencing. This is then what I call "fresh information and ready to be used".

Should closed or open authoring approaches be used in the development of learning resources for use in education? Give reasons for your view?

  • In my opinion, closed or open authoring approaches should be used in the development of learning resources for use in education because as I mentioned before information is fresh, updated, and is made up from a great variety of opinions and experiences which enriches our work and knowledge.

What mechanisms can be adopted to assure quality of educational content developed in wiki environments?

  • I have to say that the code or registration under which, all edits and uploads are done. By assuring that everything you post can be legally posted in wikis, by checking at the end of the webpage the copyrights.--Itzel Portal 18:32, 9 August 2010 (UTC)
Itzel (talk)06:30, 10 August 2010

I think this Wiki is a great idea and an awesome tool for us as teachers because it provides new materials and topics for us to increase the quality of our teaching. I agree with the idea of an open attitude towards learning something new besides we are using Technology which is a great opportunity for us to share knowledge with other teachers.

Talking about closed or open authoring, I think it would depend on every member but I do think using both will provide better context since eveverything is fresh and people can share their ideas.

About mechanisms I think we users just need to be aware of what we are doing and what we could do so we should respect copyrights and do our uploadings in the appropriate way.

Almalu (talk)07:54, 11 August 2010

You make a very important point Alma about copyrighted material. We will be covering this during this semester as well.

Bnleez (talk)13:36, 11 August 2010