Weekly price index

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Dear Sintayehu,

I really appreciate the work you are doing in providing us timely price indexes because we think that is a hot issue the flavor of the day. But we just want to know what challenges you are facing in providing these up to date information and if there are any controversies that arise there off.

Eztgsitary (talk)20:58, 24 May 2011

Appreciate for your feedback and will keep informing you real time information. Please keep buying livestock by using our latest ICT (qurying price info through SMS) Exp maple Type on your cell phone MK R ADDKE send to 0911-25-55-64

Sintayehu (talk)21:07, 24 May 2011

Appreciate for your feedback and will keep informing you real time information. Please keep buying livestock by using our latest ICT (qurying price info through SMS) Exp maple Type on your cell phone MK R ADDKE send to 0911-25-55-64

Sintayehu (talk)21:08, 24 May 2011