Thoughts on: Securing equal committment & conflict management

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I agree that the securing equal commitment section should be dropped. Your rationale says it all. And I think we've got the issue covered from a number different perspectives already: member responsibilities, boundaries, and ground rules.

I've been thinking for awhile that we should create a page about consensus decision-making and how to use it -- an informational page. A consensus and/or civility policy is a step farther. Not sure about calling it a policy, consensus and civility when working together are certainly good practice and go along way toward creating the environment described in the WE values.

Yes, the title "conflict management" seems to give completely the wrong impression. I agree that it should be deleted. But in reviewing the charter template I don't think we've included a section for a group to specify how it will be make decisions. I think this is an important item that all working groups should consider. Maybe we should state that working groups are strongly encouraged to use the consensus decision-making process (with a link to the info page). I think this would go in the ground rules section.

Interesting to think about how behaviors and expectations are different in this environment.


ASnieckus (talk)12:37, 24 July 2009

I've gone ahead and deleted the sections and added a small bit to encourage groups to use consensus decision making. Please add your thoughts to this discussion if you see a need for keeping these sections or some adaptation thereof.

Best, Alison

ASnieckus (talk)05:03, 25 July 2009