Suggest wording change

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This page is a derivative of the page in the WikiEducator tutorials: Wikieducator tutorial/What is free content/Freedom as concept. Although I meant to start a thread concerning suggested wording changes on this talk page, I made the thread on the talk page for the wikied tutorial page, inadvertently. As the suggestions apply to both pages, please see suggested wording changes on the freedom as concept talk page.

Thanks, Alison

ASnieckus (talk)04:31, 8 January 2012

I revised the page to reflect the discussion/resolution at Talk:Wikieducator_tutorial/What_is_free_content/Freedom_as_concept#lqt_thread_19235.

I ended up leaving out a fair bit, as the 2nd sentence seemed to follow an argument no longer present in the first sentences. Feel free to improve further.


ASnieckus (talk)14:03, 10 January 2012