National Youth Policy and Advocacy

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Last edit: 00:30, 18 February 2011

Thanks Ekanath for sharing the Nepalese Youth Policy scenario, again I note that like in Ghana your country's Policy is attempting to utilise the education system to inculcate an entrepreneurship culture in young people - how has this approach worked in your situation?

Sorry, I didn't pick your name

Nmunala (talk)22:29, 17 February 2011

Thanks Nellie for your respond,

Still this policy has not been institunalised at all level academic system . However, in boarder perspectives, education has been made qualitative, skill and vocational oriented and most the school have adopted the vocational skills curriculum as well. Right now most of the business schools/universities are also incorporating the minimum entrepreneurship skills development curriculum. For example one of the agriculture college (AIS, Rampur) has adopted the community development and entrepreneurship course as one of the mandatory course up to MSc level course.

Most important policy adopted is, free education up to Grade X under the theme “education for all “

Ekanath (talk)01:22, 18 February 2011

Institutionalising entrepreneurship in the education system is a process. I note that entrepreneurship skills are taught at various institutions and levels which is a good practice in inculcating an entrepreneurial culture in the community. There are lessons here for other countries to emulate. Does the Government have a framework to follow-up/monitor how useful the entrepreneurial skills acquired at school come handy later on in life/after school - in essence what percentage of school leavers venture into entrepreneurship?

Nmunala (talk)01:36, 18 February 2011