Defining Rights and Decent Work

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Youth rights are human rights which is enshrined in Africa Youth Charter while Decent work means the right to obtain reasonable work without discremination.

Ubandoma (talk)01:18, 18 February 2011

Dear Ubandoma,
I love your simple definition of Youth rights and Decent work. However, a little more explanation of these concepts would be beautiful. Would you agree with me that working in a decent work environment and being paid a decent wage/salary in addition to what you said would make the definition on Decent work concrete? What are you views?

Pkakorsu (talk)07:34, 17 April 2011

To me decent work could also mean any kind of work that does not expose the youth at risk. These include such jobs were ther is socila protection,rights are clearly defined and known by the youths before enganging in such work and the rewards equals the amount of work done by the youth undertaking such work.

Ridge15 (talk)04:48, 23 April 2011