Culture-centric definition of Global Citizenship.

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Last edit: 14:26, 4 May 2008

Namasthe Wikieducators.

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for WikiEducator.

A political definition of GC is limited by a limited geographical area whereas GC needs a global culture base to define it in a culturally currect and relevant way.

H - Heart Core Values may be considered here.

H - Help ever, hurt never. H - Health is wealth;cherish it ever and wish it for all. H - Hygiene is the test of sanity. Be sane. H - Humour is that element in daily life without which it would be a rainbow in black and white. H - Honour is being human globally. H - Hope for global understanding to make it possible for peace to prevail.

The above Heart Core Values take one nearer towards GC if one reaches out more online and global friendship. Further, all values and virtues which uphold human dignity and facilitate respectful and responsive living are indeed the HC Values.Also see: GCresearcher 02:26, 4 May 2008 (UTC)

Director (talk)12:44, 14 April 2008

To add another H, which would make the list SHC (six H core ): H - Hope for global understanding.

Director (talk)01:49, 15 April 2008

To add another H to the list which would make it SHC(six H core)values:

H - Hope for global understanding to make peace prevail.
Director (talk)01:53, 15 April 2008