CCNC Bounty Awards

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Hi Peter, sorry to have fallen out of the loop - one is I have not recieved alerts that the discussion has progressed. two is that the project appears to have developed a certain complexity that takes a while to get my head around. How will the end result be made consistant for end users? I see that each of us are considering different approaches, some are even considering using Flash.. I'm just wondering about consistency in the end, not to mention using commercial software to author OERs. I'll be happy to take on the bounties that my name is with although most of them I am not that skilled at myself. Virus management? Database and mail merge? Web2 no worries... looks like I have to learn some stuff by teaching some stuff here, which might risk impacting a little the extent to which I can achieve my ideas expressed in treatment drafts...

Leighblackall (talk)09:28, 12 September 2008