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Any questions on the ssignment? Shumi?

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)06:40, 4 May 2009

Overdue assignment contributions,

Victor will be chasing up outstanding peices of work tommorrow.

Ideally weekends are good if pple have questions?

Mid week is not good due to work commitments.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)06:45, 4 May 2009

Dear Lions, it is important to discuss the quality assurance role, left open by Hermanus, I have been on phone with Utang and she is ok in taking up the role, I would like to have volunteers for the back up position that Utang has left open, Lions please be brave--Luisaserra 18:48, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)06:48, 4 May 2009

good to hear Utang accepted the role, i also spoke with her.may be we discuss that at the study school in june

Akachi Ngwu (talk)06:55, 4 May 2009

Akachi, I am really worried about the quality checks for this assignment, last time we had to request Hermanus to do it, but we need now to move forward, I am really hopping we can pass the test on this assignment.--Luisaserra 18:57, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)06:57, 4 May 2009


Ideally you would want a serious second set of eyes on every document. I am happy to help where i can, but nmy biggest challenges is whenI am travelling, I tend to struggle.

We can rotate this across the team members so that we all get involved.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:00, 4 May 2009

Dear Lions, Utang is travelling and is facing internet challenges at home with virus, if she can resolve all of this she will check the document, but if she cannot resolve the issues we will need to have a back-up, I hope you understnd why I am sounding so pushy on this, I will definetly follow this up next wikichat.--Luisaserra 19:11, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)07:11, 4 May 2009