The Anatomy and Physiology of Animals/Tissues Worksheet/Worksheet Answers

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Circle the correct answer:

1. A tissue is: a collection of cells

2. The four major tissue types are: epithelial / connective / muscle / nervous

3. Epidermal tissue: covers body surfaces / lines hollow organs / forms glands.

4. The inside of blood vessels is lined with: cuboidal epithelium / squamous epithelium / transitional epithelium / columnar epithelium?

5. The tissue illustrated below is: squamous epithelium

6. The kidney tubules are lined with: cuboidal epithelium

7. Where is ciliated columnar epithelium NOT found : Lining the kidney tubule / lining the small intestine? Note: the columnar epithelium lining the gut has microvilli on the surface. The difference between cilia and microvilli can be seen here.

8. Stratified epithelia: consist of several layers of cells

9. Transitional epithelium allows the: bladder to stretch.

10. The tissue illustrated below is: columnar epithelium

11. Non keratinised stratified squamous epithelium does NOT OCCUR: covering the body.

12. The surface cells of keratinised stratified squamous epithelium are continually: being shed from the surface.

13. Which of the following are NOT found in connective tissue?: cilia.

14. Which of the following are NOT connective tissues: fingernails / saliva

15. Which of the following muscle tissues has branched fibres, intercalated discs between adjacent cells and contracts automatically: cardiac muscle

16. Which of the following muscle tissues has long fibres with cross bands and nuclei on the surface? Striated voluntary muscle

17. Which muscle tissue moves bones and facial skin? striated voluntary muscle

18. The tissue illustrated below is: cartilage

19. Which muscle tissue is found in blood vessel walls, in the gut wall and in glands? smooth involuntary muscle

20. The tissue illustrated below is: cardiac muscle

21. Match the tissue type with the function.

Tissue type Function
a. Connective Tissue B. Supporting & transporting
b. Muscle Tissue C. Contracting
c. Epithelial Tissue D. Covering and lining
d. Nervous Tissue A. Communicating