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You must specify a title.


The template displays a Liberating Voices pattern card given its title and theme (display style).


Use this template to display a Liberating Voices pattern card.



|title = <title of card>
|theme = <name of theme>


The properties are drawn from /sub-pages of the card's page:

Properties which appear on the card:

/card-text - the text of the card

/image - the name (and just the name) of the image on Wikimedia Commons

/images - a page of alternative images for the card (used by {{annotated-lv-card}})

- see How to source and link images on Wikimedia Commons

/text-by - attribution for the text (usually an author name)

/image-by - name of artist or photographer, etc.

/licence - not use as these cards are all licensed cc-by-sa

Other properties

The following are used by (e.g.) {{annotated-lv-card}} to display more about the card:

/psp-page - URL of the pattern card on the Public Sphere Project's web site

/linked-cards - links to other cards related to this one.

/status - not implemented yet.


  • title - the title of the card corresponding to the name of the pattern it represents
  • theme - name of the theme to be used when displaying the card. The theme, defined in {{lv-card-theme}}, holds style attributes to be applied when displaying the card. A default theme, identifiable by a black dashed border around the card, is used if no theme is specified.


The syntax

 |title = The Good Life

produces (note the black dashed border indicating no theme was specified - using default):

The Good Life
Edward Hicks - Peaceable Kingdom.jpg
People who hope for a better world feel the need for a shared vision of The Good Life. The environmental crises of the planet require a broad vision of a good life that harmonizes human aspirations and natural limits. A framework for the modern good life should be based on some form of humanism with room for a spiritual dimension that does not seek domination.
Written by Gary Chapman. Licence: cc-by-sa.
Image by Edward Hicks (1780–1849). Source: cgfa.sunsite.dk

The syntax

 |title = The Good Life
 |theme = ds01


The Good Life
Edward Hicks - Peaceable Kingdom.jpg
People who hope for a better world feel the need for a shared vision of The Good Life. The environmental crises of the planet require a broad vision of a good life that harmonizes human aspirations and natural limits. A framework for the modern good life should be based on some form of humanism with room for a spiritual dimension that does not seek domination.
Written by Gary Chapman. Licence: cc-by-sa.
Image by Edward Hicks (1780–1849). Source: cgfa.sunsite.dk

The syntax

 |title = The Good Life
 |theme = kt01


The Good Life
Edward Hicks - Peaceable Kingdom.jpg
People who hope for a better world feel the need for a shared vision of The Good Life. The environmental crises of the planet require a broad vision of a good life that harmonizes human aspirations and natural limits. A framework for the modern good life should be based on some form of humanism with room for a spiritual dimension that does not seek domination.
Written by Gary Chapman. Licence: cc-by-sa.
Image by Edward Hicks (1780–1849). Source: cgfa.sunsite.dk

See also

To Do

  • Sort out the general case of a card whose name includes a prefix. Currently it only handles the prefix "LV:".
  • Check that {{annotated-lv-card}} uses the parameters correctly.
  • Suits - table border style - for each theme - perhaps just switch in {{lv-card-theme}} and pass suit to it.