Talk:Training Educators to Design and Develop ODL Materials/Course Evaluation

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General Comments

group 10, you must be commended for a job well done.The objectives identified are clear,appropriate and succint.We particularly liked the outlay of your course.Evident in your presentation is the attempt to practice sound evaluative techniques while providing information on the same.The reflection section is sound. Additionally the overall sequencing of your course and the web resources created at the end to point participants to more indepth background knowledge on the topic are really excellent.

However, the way objective 3 is written makes it sound a bit trivial. Maybe you could try to rephrase it.The final sentence under formative evaluation lacks clarity.Maybe you may want to revisit it.Finally we would recommend that you change the order of the three tasks given in the reflections- bullet 3 could come before item bulleted 2.

Keep up the high standard of work...Respect to you...--Stephenjoseph 04:52, 21 March 2007 (CET)

(On behalf of Group 12)

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