Talk:Survey Research

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Hello221:20, 19 September 2008

Congrats! for such a comprehensive coverage of ur topic.

I never realized that there were so many different types of survey research .

It will prove to be very beneficial for research scholars , students n teachers as well.

I hope u don't mind my giving u two suggestions for improving ur presentation :

1 Can u formulate questions in such a way where the students are given a description of survey (real life situations )n they have to identify/guess its type ?I think it will help them understand the concepts n its application better.

2 What do u think about using a table for discussing the differences ? Try using key words rather than complete sentences , What do u say ?

Nmishra (talk)05:21, 12 September 2008

Dear Rajendran
Well done. It is really very helpful for all especially for those who wish to do "Applied Research". It is also very helpful n useful to me also since I am a Rsearch Scholar.

Mamun (talk)17:49, 14 September 2008

Hello Ms. Neetu,

thank you for your comments.

your suggestions are highly valuable, i can understand that, as a student of education.

due to certain unavoidable interuption, i could not able to do much.

but i think after this work shop also i will improve this area, slowly, but certainly.

if you give few more suggestions, that will be also i will try to incorporate.

this is the place (workshop) one can grow academically, and i found out an excellent teacher

Dr. sanjaya ji, i really admire him. taking some inspiration from him as well as they way you

interaction with others in this workshop, really made more interactive session.

i hope we will do something within wiki educator group, some thing.

unfortunately i did not write anything on your SLM on your discussion page. during our chat i

have written many things, but finally when i pressed the key send it server is down. i thought

the next day i will do, unfortunately i could not do it. sorry.

once again thank you for your comments.

with regards,

Rajendran M

Rajendran (talk)21:20, 19 September 2008