Lesson Five

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Learning Intention:

To develop English Language skills which students will use to shop for basic foods in different environments. In the process they will learn to use the appropriate verb tenses and forms. Students will demonstrate developing knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structures through a reflective journal.

WALT (We Are Learning To):

1. Develop basic skills in the use of shopping verb tenses.

2. Use correct verb tenses in various situations.

3. Monitor our own progress in this unit by recording reflections and evaluations in an on-going journal.

Success Criteria:

We know we will have achieved this when:

1. We can pronounce the correct tense in a variety of shopping sentences.

2. We can use the correct tense in shopping sentences.

3. We have recorded reflective journal entries and scores in our journal as indicated during each lesson.

Learning Journal

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Students complete Learning Journal activities and assessment tasks as described in the following activities. Ensure the Learning Journal shows reflection and evidence of past learning:

(i) Students head up Lesson Five sub heading in learning journal. Teacher model and write on board for students to copy.

(ii) Students record WALT and Success Criteria under Lesson Four.


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Vocabulary and Sentence Structures

The following are the vocabulary and sentence structures used in this lesson:



http://www.familylobby.com/common/tt6115628fltt.gif Students glue copy of Vocabulary for lesson 5 into Learning Journal.


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Re-visit of previous lessons vocabulary

Children play the game "I spy with my little eye" after a few examples and modeling from the teacher e.g I spy with my little eye, a long yellow fruit that looks like a sausage, and the children could guess. An extension of this activity would be to include clues that have multiple answers eg, I spy with my little eye something which has lots of sugar and children love it, but it is not good for their teeth and health, what is it? Learners could question the player to gain more clues as to the objects identity.

Online alternative: supermarket game

Video Option

Video Files that can be played by students to revist vocabulary from lessons 2-4:

Media: Lesson_2and_3.flv

Media: Lesson_3and_4.flv

If you can't open this file please visit the FLV website and download the free FLV player: flv player website

Introduction Activity

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Introduction to verbs - "doing" words:

Verb charades:

Revision of verbs through charades.

Students are divided into groups and the teacher has sentences with different shopping verbs. The member who has a turn is shown the sentence and goes back to the group and acts the sentence so that his group members identify the action correctly. The actor is not allowed to speak. The group that guesses the verb correctly first gets a point.

Activity One

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Activity One

Whole class activity facilitated and lead by teacher:

Introducing verb tenses.

Introducing tenses by talking about different times that things happen.

Talk about shopping verbs and how they change when it’s past or present or future.

Use the verb tense chart to explain.

Practise one tense at a time and move on to the next one after the children have mastered the other one.

Activity Two

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Pair Activity: Practicing vocabulary and pronunciation.

Each pair gets a set of flashcards with the relevant verb tenses (e.g. for past tense they need the present tense card and the past tense card), and match the tenses.

They then make sentences verbally/in written form with any two or more of them or doing a shopping dialogue using the correct tense.

Present back to class.

Activity Three

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Choose from the following tasks appropriate to the level of the students in each group:

Individual and/or small group activities to practice tenses and sentence structures.

Task i

Table and/or sentence completion - changing given verbs into the correct tense.

Table                                                                                                                                               Sentences

RTENOTITLE                                     RTENOTITLE

File:Tensestable.pdf                                                                                                                                     File:Tensessentences.pdf

Task ii

With a piece of text or single sentences learners circle all the past all the action words and then on a separate sheet of paper change them into the relevant tense e.g.(present, past, future), or they can change the whole passage into the tense form instructed by the teacher.

http://www.familylobby.com/common/tt6115628fltt.gif Record sentence activity in Learning Journal.

Task iii

Play a 'tense' board game online if computer facilities available for students. If no computers available for students, visit the site and print off game to work offline with students.

past tense dice game

Task iv

Students draw themselves food shopping on blank paper. This artwork could be created using any media such as paint, pencils, computer generated, crayon etc. Write three brief sentences on shopping scenarios, changing the tense for each scenario. Each sentence is repeated but altered to demonstrate the scenario in each tense ie. yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Examples of Scenarios:

Asking for help from shop assisstance

Buying an item over the counter

At the checkout point

Buying a bag of fruit at the market

http://www.familylobby.com/common/tt6115628fltt.gif Students glue artwork and sentences into Learning Journal.


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Students reflect on learning and demonstrate new knowledge

Plenary session where they talk about what they learnt, their successes and their challenges in the tense module. A plenary session is designed to give learners time to think about the learning they have done. It is a review session that encourages children to think about their learning and how to improve it, e.g. What went well, what did we enjoy, what do we need to re-visit or practice more and why. This can all be done in a plenary session with teacher questioning and guidance. It is good in a community of learners because children learn vicariously from each other how to think about and monitor their own learning.

http://www.familylobby.com/common/tt6115628fltt.gif Students write reflections in Learning Journal.


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Lesson Five review and checking for understanding

Learning Journal

Conduct a vocabulary test the same as lesson four.


Ongoing teacher formative assessment of students. Teacher questions and reviews student progress providing formative feedback for individuals. Formative activities should be conducted across a range of whole class, group and individual activities regularly throughout the lesson. Feedback may be written or oral and may or may not be recorded for future reference as deemed appropriate by the teacher.

http://www.familylobby.com/common/tt6115628fltt.gif Teacher records ongoing formative assessment comments in students Learning Journal.


Tense table

http://www.familylobby.com/common/tt6115628fltt.gif Students glue copy of activity into Learning Journal.


Cloze activity to assess understanding of tenses.



http://www.familylobby.com/common/tt6115628fltt.gif Students glue cloze activity in Learning Journal.