Sport Informatics and Analytics/Capstone/Questions

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Twenty-four questions

We drew attention to twenty-four ePortfolio questions in this unit. There were six questions for each of the themes:

Theme 1 (Introductions)

Q1. What are your thoughts about a non-linear course in which you are the driver of your own learning pathway?

Q2. How might we help you to connect with others on the course?

Q3. Do you have any resources you would like to recommend for inclusion in the course?

Q4. Is there a difference between Informatik and Informatics?

Q5. What distinguishes Sport Analytics from Sport Informatics?

Q6. What is the relationship between Informatik, Informatics, Analytics and Performance Analysis?

Theme 2 (Pattern recognition)

Q 7. What is systematic about ‘systematic’ observation?

Q 8. Do we need to concern ourselves about the reliability and validity of data?

Q 9. Why is it important to de-identify performance data?

Q10. What did you discover in the shared dataset?

Q11. What have you learned about supervised learning approaches?

Q12. What are your thoughts about how we relate patterns of performance to moments of performance within games?

Theme 3 (Performance monitoring)

Q13. What aspects of this topic are of particular interest to you?

Q14. What criteria would you use to decide which wearable technologies to use?

Q15. Were there any aspects of the work of universities, centres, and sport you found informative?

Q16. Have you used any video tracking technology or video monitoring data?

Q17. Do you have any concerns about the validity and reliability of data gathered from wearable technologies or video tracking?

Q18. Are there any ethical issues involved in monitoring data collected in the ways discussed in this theme?

Theme 4 (Audiences and messages)

Q19. Is ‘augmented information’ a helpful description of the ways you share information?

Q20. Does ‘feedforward’ have any place in your work?

Q21. Do you have any experience of using infographics?

Q22. Are there any visualisation approaches that you recommend?

Q23. Is the concept of a personal learning environment helpful in your practice?

Q24. Can you visualise your personal learning environment?