STENZ 12th December 2008

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First meeting held on Friday, December 19, 2008


Attendees: Samuel Mann (Otago Polytechnic), Pam Williams (VUW), Kate Kearins (AUT), Carol Boyle (Auckland), Rex Verity (CPIT/SANZ), Hilary Branthwaite (TEC)

Apologies: Jonathon Hannon / Terry Kelly (Massey), Kate Hewson (Canterbury)

Chair: Kari Adams (SANZ)

Meeting purpose: To define group vision and key objectives, select a convener and prepare for the first meeting of 2009.

Meeting Notes

1. Name of Group

- Group happy to keep the name to the acronym STENZ (Sustainability in Tertiary Education in New Zealand) but would like to add a tag line that include the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

- The example was given from Otago Polytechnic regarding “sustainable practioner”.

- Suggestion: STENZ: A working group dedicated to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development across all tertiary institutions in New Zealand.

2. Vision

- From the Forum in Wellington in November, we started with: In 2014, sustainability is embedded into all tertiary education programmmes. - It was suggested that we expand what we mean by sustainability, which lead to: In 2014, the principles, values, and practices of sustainability are embedded in all tertiary education programmes in NZ. - However, the discussion continued that recognized that it was about changing values and behavior in graduates. After looking at the vision of the UN DESD, the following was decided:

In 2014, all NZ tertiary graduates will understand the principles, values, and practices of sustainability.

Discussion included the following points:

• We don’t want to alienate or alienate stakeholders with a dictating vision, but need to be strong in what we aim to achieve.

• Our vision as a group will not always be what we use to develop the case for sustainability education

• We considered looking at the vision of ‘literacy and numeracy’ projects, but realized our differences in that these skills are considered core to learning, as opposed to sustainability, which was described as ‘core to living’.

• Instead, it was suggested that we review the way values like ethics and equality have been embedded throughout teaching.

• In playing the devil’s advocate, one member also noted that a ‘programmes’ approach may alienate some faculties who don’t immediate see a practical way to embed sustainability teaching (e.g. art history and sustainability practices). This discussion led onto the need to broaden the definition to include the ‘principals, values and practices’.

• We need to be sure we don’t eliminate ‘research’ but this can be dealt with in the objectives.

3. Objectives:

1. To ensure graduates have the capability to embed sustainability principles, values and practices in their lifestyle and profession.

2. To enable the embedding of sustainability principles, values and practices into all tertiary education programmes.

3. To create opportunities for research into education for sustainability that enhances curricula and pedagogy.

4. To support tertiary education providers in creating an environment that encourages sustainability thinking, policies and practices.

4. Selection of a Convener

- Samuel Mann kindly volunteered to be our STENZ Convener and will kick off the first meeting for 2009 on the 27th of January at 3pm.

5. Next Meeting Agenda Items

- Invitation to additional members

- How to best engage Vice Chancellors early in the process (SANZ/STENZ letter)

- funding

ACE Innovation and Development Fund - closes on the 31st march -

Ako Aotearoa National Prog Fund - on-going applications received -

- Workstreams

6. Actions for next meeting – Tuesday, 27th of January at 3pm.

- group have been asked to review the objectives on the Wiki site developed

- group to begin to add ideas for the Terms of Reference

- Sam to extend invitation to Juliet Roper from Waikato

- Sam to send out conference call invitation and dial-in numbers.

Thank you for your support. Looking forward to taking this further in 2009!

Sam's Notes 19/12/8

Start: In 2014, sustainability is embedded into all tertiary education programmmes.

Finish: In 2014, the principles, values, and practices of sustainability are embedded in all tertiary education programmes in NZ.

Finish2: In 2014, all NZ tertiary graduates will understand the principles, values, and practices of sustainability.

Obj1: All NZ tertiary graduates will have the capability to embed sust values and practices their profession and lifestyle.

Obj2: Sustainability is embedded into all tertiary education programmmes.

Obj3: Support institutions such that every institution recognises role of sust inherent in everything they do. way of thinking, policies and practices

obj4: research

Teaching practice

- graduate attributes skills, values

In 2014, sustainability is an inherent component of the philosophy of all programmes.

graduates are exposed to...

UNDESD [2]: The goal of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014, DESD), for which UNESCO is the lead agency, is to integrate the principles, values, and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning.

In 2014, the principles, values, and practices of sustainability are embedded in all tertiary education programmes in NZ.

External strategy: tailor for needs of institution.

tag line:

- taking action on UN decade

- to create sustainable future

eg The University of Otago’s Teaching and Learning Plan includes the statement "The University seeks to produce graduates who are able to reflect upon and evaluate the ethical and social implications of their knowledge and who are willing to act upon that awareness whatever the ethos of their ultimate employment. The ethical and social values of a university education should transcend the pragmatism of the workplace."

Key objectives

1. up a level from graduate profiles. outcomes: all graduates will have an understanding...

- can be delivered in many ways: programme, curriculum etc, overall ethics of institution

mechanism: profiles.

range of topics: research, etc

value statement: reflects role, critic and conscience, academic freedom,

Timing: 2014 PhD graduates already started. Doesn't have to be formal programmes by then. Culture change.

2. every programme

3. culture change. debate. how people change on

effective mechanisms