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Learning Summary

In this module you have explored the concept that your work doesn’t exist within a vacuum or only within a smaller area such as a School or Department and you have been introduced to a model that assists you to identify wider influences on your work environment. You then moved on to finding documentation that identifies the institutional /organisational strategies and priorities of your employer and have started to consider the relevance of that documentation to your own work. This will be expanded upon in the next module.

Collate Evidence for use at the end of the next module

Some ideas for what you could use as evidence:

  • Excerpts from your learning journal or whatever format you were using to record and keep track of your learning
  • Excerpts from documentation on your organisations strategies and priorities that you have added notes or comments to
  • A bibliography or annotated bibliography of what you have read during your exploration of this module.
  • Notes of your reflections on conversations you were part of

You do not need to submit work at the end of this module but continue to accumulate evidence for your portfolio.


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